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New Job - 5

 As they reached the function place. No one knows Aruna. Rekha introduced them to all her friends and neighbours. Few appreciated his efforts to get job and few thought, he wasn't a man enough. Of course, kavya made sure, that everyone thinks Aruna is not man enough. 

After the function, as they walked to home. Aruna was really sad. Kavya introduced him to everyone in just one day. He was scared what she would do in the future. 

For the next few weeks, kavya didn't get any opportunities to push Aruna towards womanhood. 

But one day, rekha decided to take Aruna to the parlor, to get him a make over. Aruna doesn't want to go but rekha forced him. Just when they entered the parlor, rekha got am important work, so she left Aruna to her mom. The main reason kavya came with is that, thus parlor belongs to her friend. As Aruna sat on the chair, he was stunned, he saw his sister, neha. She didn't look at him. Kavya notice it. 

Kavya - it's your sister. May be you should speak to her, Aruna 

Aruna requested kavya. He was about to cry. 

Kavya - I will not call her, but in one condition. You will get your noise pierced. 

Kavya didn't give him much time, so he agreed. By the next minute, his nose was pierced. He was in tears. His sister left and he was relaxed a little. Just then the parlor lady offered him a juice. He drank it and while they were doing his make up, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was already. His hair is done, his nails are done. His eye brows were shaped. 

Just when they were about to leave. Kavya asked her friend

Kavya - do you think, the injections work 

Her friend - 100%, within 20 days he will have real breasts and his penis doesn't work. You know there are really costly and not many knew these type of injections exist. 

Kavya was very happy, within a month, rekha will realise he is not good enough for her and leave him. 

When they reached home, rekha was surprised to see his nose piercing. Aruna didn't say anything. 

Kavya - she looks beautiful with the nose piercing. She really wanted wear a nose stub and I couldn't deny her. 

Rekha doesn't know how to react. Aruna wanted to wear nose stub? Why? Rekha has many questions. But she did ask Aruna, instead she complemented him and Aruna just gave a fake smile. 

Within a week, Aruna can see the changes and while he couldn't get hard for sex, rekha was very disappointed. 

One day they went shopping, as rekha was buying few dresses for her. Kavya 

Kavya - can you show few sarees for my son in law, Arun? 

The sales girl did listen Kavya. Aruna looked angrily at Kavya 

Kavya - ohh, so angry. I won't humiliate you. If you pick sarees by yourself. 

Aruna don't have any choice, he started to look at the sarees shown by the sales, as per their request. The  sales girl was placing sarees in his shoulder and was asking him to see in mirror. Kavya went to rekha, who was picking some clothes for herself. 

Kavya - just look at Aruna. So happily picking sarees for herself. I think, she always wanted to be woman. 

Rekha was confused, few weeks ago, he had his nose pierced and now choosing sarees like a women. May be Aruna wanted to be a women. 

After paying the bills for the dresses of rekha and sarees of Aruna. They went home. Rekha has many questions. 


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