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Happy couple - 1

 Krishnaveni was not happy with her mom, kavya. She has been forcing her to marry guy. She never even looked at his pic. She doesn't want to get married. She doesn't want to be in control of a man. But because of her mom, she took the leave and took a bus to her home town. She kept on looking for seats and she saw an empty seat beside a woman.  She sat there and introduced herself to the organ woman beside her. 

Hi, I am krishna, said krishnaveni 

Hi, I am radha, said other woman 

I like your hair, long, and thick, said krishna 

Thank you, said radha 

They kept on talking and they became friends in no time. 

So you are not married. Did your mom asked you to grow your hair? Asked krishna 

No, why? Asked radha 

I mean, now a days not many girls have long hair like yours. Their mothers forces them to grow it for the marriage, said krishna 

Radha didn't understand 

My mom asked me to keep my hair long but I don't like it. But you would look good as a bride, said krishna 

I think, I haven't introduced myself properly. My name is radhakrishna and I am a man, said radha 

Krishna was shocked and later she apologised. 

I am really sorry, with your long hair and no facial hair, I thought you are a woman, said krishna 

No problem, it's very common for me, said radha 

Very common? Asked krishna 

Yeah, many addresses me as a ma'am or Madam, one day while I was in home, few neighbouring ladies came to our home. They thought I am my mom's daughter and invited me to a ladies function, said radha 

Krishna couldn't control her laughter 

If that wasn't enough, my mom gave me her saree and asked me to join her to the function, said radha 

Don't get me wrong but, you will look good in a saree, said krishna 

They enjoyed each others company. Finally they reached their home town. They both wanted to ask each others number but didn't. krishnaveni told radhakrishna that she is here to see a guy for the marriage and radhakrishna thought, it might be inappropriate. So they both left to their home's. 


  1. Anjali add some lockdown stories between husband wife theme
    Thanks again

  2. Good stories thankyou plz continue

  3. I have a feeling that women will look more good in jeans while men will look good in saree


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