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Caught cheating - 2

 After shopping, they lunch then watched a movie and had dinner and came home. 

Even though neha is forcing him to wear ladies clothes, she is treating him nicely. 

After a month, early in the morning, deepak made coffee and gave it to neha. Neha asked him to sit beside her. 

Sweetie, today in the evening we are going to meet a doctor, said neha 

Why? Are you alright?  Asked deepak 

I am fine. I have to tell you the truth. You are really not good in sex. So breasts implant to you can improve our sex life, said neha

Deepak was in shock. He couldn't believe what he just heard. 

He tried to convince neha but she didn't listen, she got up from the bed and went to bathroom. 

Neha got ready and was ready to leave to the office. 

Sweetie, be ready in evening. I don't want any delay from you, said neha 

The entire day deepak was thinking about it. 

In the evening, when neha arrived home, deepak was still in the nightie. Neha got really angry. She took out few papers and gave it to deepak 

It's divorce papers and the proofs of his cheating. 

If you want to stay in the relationship wear a salwar and get ready in half hour or for some unknown reasons, we still have few men clothes in the home, even though there is no man in the home, said neha 

Neha was waiting in the hall. After half hour, deepak walked out of the room in a salwar. He is in tears.

Where is your handbag? Do I have to remind you every time? Woman has to carry a handbag, when they go out, said neha 

They went to the hospital and they entered the doctor's cabin. 

Neha greeted the doctor, kavya and she greeted them back 

I was expecting you two, neha, said kavya 

I have to appreciate you neha, when you found out your husband is a crossdresser, you decide to help him, said kavya 

He deserves everything. He wanted to have breast implants for a while now but he is little sad, thinking, how the society may think of him, said neha 

Don't worry about the society, your husband is already looking like a woman, said kavya 

So what size are you looking for, asked kavya 

We are looking for 34B, he is already of same size of me on both height and weight, so with same size of breasts, we can shave our clothes, said neha 

OK, said kavya with a smile 

Kavya explained the procedures, gave then a date and handed them few papers. 

After they reached the home, neha read the papers. Then she gave the papers to deepak to sign them. 

Deepak don't want to sign them. Neha asked him to sign them angrily. 

Tears rolled in his eyes, and started to sign them, he didn't even read them. 

He kept on begging neha till the date. 

On the surgery day, they were both ready and went to the hospital. Deepak was asked to change into a gown. Neha sat behind him and braided his hair. 

He was taken into the operating theatre and they gave him a injection and he went into deep sleep. 


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