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Ex girlfriend - 1

 Karthik has been trying to get a job but he wasn't good in anything. After the death of his father, the job pressure increased even more. His mom, rekha is a housewife and his sister, Neha is still studying. And there is almost no income coming from him. It was so bad, he didn't even get a hair cut for a long time. 

As usual he has to attend an interview. When he saw the interviewer he was shocked, it's his ex girlfriend, Anjali. Even she was shocked. They did date , when they were in college and he dumped her. By the look on her face, he can say she is still very angry on him. 

The interview has started and he couldn't even answer a single question properly. 

You are selected, said Anjali 

Really? Asked Karthik with happiness 

Of course, but not for the role you have applied, said Anjali 

What does it mean? Asked Karthik 

You this is my company. I will give you a job as my secretary, said Anjali 

What I have to do? Asked karthik with confusion 

Nothing much, you will attend the office in a saree like a proper lady and follow me all the time and do whatever I asked you to do, said Anjali 

He was shocked. Wear a saree like a proper lady!!!! 

He immediately got up to leave. 

I will pay you 45000 thousand a month. But you have sign a contract of 4 years, said Anjali 

It was tempting but wearing saree is hard. 

I will give few days times, said Anjali 

He left the room and went home. 

His mom and sis are waiting for him. As he entered the home. 

So did you get the job? Asked his mom 

Yes, it's 45000 a month and I have to sign a 4 year contract, said Karthik 

His mom and sis are very happy and asked him sign it, no problem. 

There is a condition, said karthik 

What is it? Asked his mom 

They wanted me to attend the office in a......... Saree, said karthik 

What? Said his mom and sister 

He explained then everything happened. 

They have no idea what to say. They all become silent. 

At night while after dinner, 

I think you should accept the job, said his mom 

What? I am not a woman to wear a saree, said Karthik 

You are not a man now either. Wearing pants does make you a man. You couldn't even get a job and feed your family, so it's better to wear a saree and do a job, said his mom and went to her room 

Karthik was stunned. His mom never scolded him. It is that kind of a situation. They have pay a lot of debts. 

The entire night, he thought about it. He had never done anything good for his family. He should stop worrying about how the neighbours feel and should only concentrate on his family. 

Next, he woke up and came out of the room. His mom immediately apologised for last night. 

Whatever you said was right mom. I am taking the job, said karthik 

His mom and sister nodded their head  

He got ready and went to the office to say his decision. As he entered the room. 

So you decide to accept it, asked anjali 

He nodded his head. 

She gave him the contract and he signed it. 

She gave him joining bonus immediately. 

I know you will accept it. With that money you can buy few necessary things. Anyway you can share your moms and sister's clothes, said anjali while laughing. 

She gave him a address of a parlour. 

You can go there and have a makeover, you look like a man , which you aren't supposed to look from now on. I have already paid the bill, said Anjali 

He went to that address. He went there and said his name. 

Yes, karthika, Anjali ma'am told about you, she said 

They took him to a separate room. 

OK now strip your clothes, asked a girl 

But why? Asked karthik

We know what we are doing, said the girl 

He took the towel they gave him and stripped him clothes with towel wrapping around his waist. 

They offered him a glass of juice, he fell asleep art drinking it. 

The girls started their magic. It took lot of time. When he woke up, he felt totally different. He felt like his body is burning. He noticed all his body hair is gone, his nails are painted, his eye brows are shaped and they did his hair too. Most importantly, he has breasts. 

Don't worry they are fake glued breasts, they last for a long time. Said the girl 

His eras are pierced. They handed him a chudi and asked him to wear it. He knows, he can't do anything, one of the girls started to help him to get dressed. She thought him how to wear a bra, then he wore the top, then the Pant, she pinned the dupatta to his shoulder and placed a bindi on his forehead to complete his look. 

My mobile and wallet, asked Karthik 

Here it is, she said handing him a handbag. She showed him how to wear. And he is ready to do 


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