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Who is lucky? - 3

 Now whenever his nail polish fades, Radha with paint his nails immediately. 

After few days, his nail polish faded again, this time, Radha handed him a nail polish bottle and asked him to paint his nails by himself. It seems Radha has lot of office work. He took the bottle and started to do his nails. First he cleaned his nails and then started to paint his nails. 

Some times, he does his nails and sometimes Radha does his nails. Radha stopped him cut his nails. So now his nails are longer than his usual and are painted in red. It started to become little distracting and little discomfort while doing his work on laptop. Watching his freshly painted nails, and now his little long nails are uncomfortable while typing. When he told Radha about his problem, she taught him how to type with long nails, without damaging the nails and the nail polish. 

Fee weeks passed. He was thinking of a way go win a bet and stop this. He can't bet on the cricket teams, which he doesn't know. He wasn't lucky enough to win. So he decided to play chess. He is a good chess player. 

So, can be bet again? Asked krishan 

You are gonna loose anyway, said Radha 

Lest play chess. You got lucky on the cricket matches, he said 

Radha didn't respond 

Are you scared? Asked krishna 

If you are so desperate to loose, then let's play, said Radha 

If I win, I will stop wearing bangles, said krishna 

If you lose, you should start wearing earrings. And I will pick the earring, thankfully you already have pierced your ears few years ago, said Radha 

Krishan was confident he is gonna win, so he agreed. 

It didn't take long and Radha won. Krishan couldn't believe. Radha played it like an expert.
Radha went to her room and came back with a pair of earrings. When she showed them he was little scared, they are big. 

 While inserting the earring to his ear lobes, Radha started to say 
I can't believe, you forgot that I am a state level chess champion, said Radha 
Krishna didn't feel good. He wore stubs fee years ago but he never wore this big earrings. 
  After he wore them, he felt like, someone is pulling his ears down. He was already feeling discomfort because of the bangles, anklets and nail polish. Now earrings took his discomfort to next level. He thought, himself that he could handle earrings just like anklets and bangles, it takes few days to get used to it. 
The earrings keep on touching his cheeks. When the climate is cold, he felt cold his earring touched his cheeks. 
Radha kept on trying different types of earring. 

After watching his discomfort with the earring, Radha decided to change his earrings to medium size. 
While he was watching TV, Radha sat next to him with a pair of jhumkas. 

When he saw them, he felt little happy. They are smaller than the ones he was wearing right now. Radha replaced them, making his ears feel little lighter after weeks. 
He didn't feel much discomfort, after wearing big earrings for weeks, these are nothing for him but he still wanted to win the bets slowly and get rid of all these women accessories. 
After a month, he got used to earrings, anklets, bangles and nail polish. They become natural and daily accessories for him. 


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