He wore half sarees for 10 days. He learnt how to wear the half saree as well.
One day when krishna came out of Bath, he noticed, Radha taking our her dresses from the wardrobe. He went to Radha
It's not like I wanted to wear them but why are you taking out your clothes, asked krishna
Because you don't need these dresses and half sarees anymore. I am really confident that you are ready to wear sarees. From today onwards you will wear only sarees just like me, said Radha and continued to pack the dresses
Ready to wear sarees!! Everyday!!, he thought
Common, let's get you dressed, we can pack it later, said Radha
He stood silently, with a shock.
He wore his bra, when took the blouse to wear, Radha stopped him.
I bought you these, said Radha by showing him fake breast forms
Sue inserted them into the bra, then he wore the blouse.
See, now the blouse has fitted you perfectly, said Radha
He wore the petticoat and Radha took a saree. He told like a mannequin, while Radha was draping the saree. At the same time, she is teaching him, how to wear it. She folded the saree and placed it on his left shoulder. She showed him how to make pleats and tucked them into the petticoat. Then she showed him how to arrange the remaining saree. She neatly draped the saree.
Do you understand, how to drape it? Asked Radha
Krishna stood silently.
No need to worry, I will drape you the saree by myself until you can drape it on your own, said Radha
Then Radha started to do his make up and put a small chain around his neck. She puts matching bangles to his hands.
Then she started to do his hair
Did you notice, your hair is now till your mid back. You can wear braids now, said Radha
She did his hair and fixed flowers too.
OK, now you can complete your look, while I do the household works, said Radha
He noticed pink nail polish on the table for him. He took it and started to paint his nails.
He let them dry for a while, then he took a bindi sticker and placed it between his eye brows.
When he saw himself on the mirror, he wanted cry. He is looking like a woman. He controlled his emotions and walked out of his room.
He went kitchen and Radha explained him what she was cooking. She asked him to continue cooking, while she will get ready.
He doesn't know what to do. All he could do is wait until his office ends work from home.
He was cooking until Radha joined him. As always she is in a saree and she wore her hair just his.
If lock down ends, we need to buy few more sarees and we need to get you fee bras as well., said Radha
He was shocked. Going out in a saree for shopping!!, he thought
Is there anything, I can bet? Asked krishna sarcastically
Of course, you can bet on nose stub., said Radha with a smile
Months passed, he got used to wearing sarees. Now he can drape it on his own.
Finally the lock down is over, Radha really wanted to do some shopping.
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