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Not Anup anymore - 1


Anup has completed his engineering and wasn't even trying to get a job. All he does is to roam around with his friends. If that's not enough, he is a womaniser. many women are waiting to get a chance to punish him, including his sister, Neha. Neha couldn't forget what he did to her friend, Anjali. He just used Anjali like a toy. Neha was jealous of Anup, while he roamed around, while she has to do household works and their family is very traditional, so they didn't give her the freedom like they gave to Anup. 
   Their father Raghu is a businessman and it's not going very well. Their mother, Kavya  is a housewife. Neha wanted to help her dad in the business but Kavya didn't allow her. 
       So one day, Raghu, who is very superstitious, heard about a priest. So he and his wife decided to meet him. They went to his home and met him. They were stunned, when he told about their life till now, they completely believed him. So they asked him, what to do, to increase wealth. What they heard from the priest, stunned both Raghu and Kavya but they agreed. 
     As they reached home, Raghu called both Anup and neha to the hall. 
Both of you listen carefully. I met a powerful priest and he told me what to do for the welfare of this family. From now on Anup will be the daughter of the house along with neha, said Raghu 
  Anup couldn't understand, what he just heard. While neha was smiling. Everything is going as per the plan. The priest is none other than Anjali's dad, the girl Anup used for fun. So Anjali's dad wanted to take revenge on Anup and neha gave him the perfect idea. 
    Kavya started to explain everything to Anup. He still couldn't believe it. He got very angry on his family. He started to shout at them, suddenly his dad gave him a tight slap and few more slaps followed it. Raghu gave Anup a final warning. 
Kavya and neha, it's your duty to turn Anup into a obedient woman, said Raghu 
  Neha didn't wait for a minute. She immediately took him to his room and Kavya followed them. Neha handed him a hair removal cream and asked him to take a bath. Anup still has tears in his eyes. He doesn't want to go but just then his dad walked in, so Anup quickly went inside the bathroom. He applied the cream on his entire body and started crying, when all of his body hair washed out. 
When he came out, he didn't see his father but he saw his mom and sister. His sister is packing all of his clothes. While his mom came to him with female clothes. He was first asked to wear a top and a long skirt followed him. Its was very strange feeling for him, he never even wore a dhoti. The skirt was flowing and touching his hairless legs. He asked to sit before the dressing table by his sister. He just agreed to her, suddenly he felt weak. Neha started to do his nails while his mom was brushing his long hair, he cursed himself for keeping his hair very long. His mom neatly braided his hair and neha applied little make up. 
Kavya placed a bindi between his eye browse, which completed his look. 

  Kavya gave a kiss on his forehead 
All this is for the welfare of our family, said Kavya 
Just then they heard a knock on the door. Kavya said come in 
His dad entered the room and saw Anup from top bottom. Then raghu and neha silently left the room while kava started to give some instructions to Anup. 



  1. please stop stalking my friend neha anupewoope


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