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 Kavya went to temple today just like every Friday. It's been very hard for her for the last 1 and half year. Her husband, pavan died in an accident. 
Now She lives alone and she is a software employee. 
As usual after the prayers. She sat there for a while. Just then a woman sat next to her. 
She introduced her self as pavitra. Slowly they started talking. 
So, you are new here. Do you have any job? Asked kavya 
No, I have no job. I don't have lot of money left as well. I am a good cooking. May be I can get a work in a hotel or something, said pavitra 
Kavya thought for a while. 
You can stay with me and do my household works, I will pay you as well, said kavya 
Pavitra immediately thanked her. 
No need to thank me. We women should help each other, said kavya 
Even though pavitra gave a smile. She was embarrassed inside, because she was a man 1 and half year ago and husband of kavya. 
He had lot gambling debts to pay. He was running away from the mob. When he was on the bus. Suddenly as accident happened, the bus is filled with fire.  He was rescued by few women and the police hasn't done a good job in identifying the bodies.  Since pavan was injured badly, they found his blood and thought he might be burned into ashes. 
He woke up 6 months after the accident. When he woke up he was scared to see his new body. The rescuers calmed him down and explained him about his condition. He was injured badly at his private part. They couldn't repair his private part, so they turned it into a vagina. His body started to pump female hormones and he started to grow breasts. They couldn't turn him into a man, so they thought it would better for him to live a woman. So they removed his Adam's apple and changed his voice like a woman. 
When pavan heard their words, he was shocked. He is a complete woman now.  they turned him into a woman, but they had no choice and they saved his life. 
For the next 6 to 8 months, they helped him adjust to his new life. He always has long hair, now it has grown even longer. He learnt how to drape saree as well. It was very embarrassing for him at first but then he got used to it. 
Once he got used to live as a woman. He thanked his rescuers and left.
His first destination is to see his wife. Just before he had the accident, he and his wife had fight. 
He was worried that his wife might have married another man but when he saw, his wife is still single, he felt little happy. But was scared to face his wife as her husband, she might not accept him, so he decided to stay with her at least as her friend. 
Kavya took pavitra to her home and showed her the home and pavitra's room as well. He was sad he couldn't sleep with his wife but he couldn't ask for more from her. 
They spoke for a while and of course it's all girls talk. Even though Pavitra hated these girls talk, he couldn't say no to kavya. So he was just listening to her. 
At night he slept in his new room. Next day he woke up, he wore the saree and necessary jewelry. Then went to kavya with a cup of coffee. 

Kavya felt happy. She couldn't manage both office and house works. 
Thank you Pavitra. I can finally can get some rest. It's good to another woman help me in household works, said kavya with a smile 
Pavitra just gave a smile but he was very angry and embarrassed, whenever his name wife treats him as a woman. 
This way Pavitra's new life as began. He gets ready in pretty sarees and do household works for his wife, who doesn't know that Pavitra is her husband. 

Slowly they become best friends. Kavya really liked Pavitra and her sense of humor. It reminded her husband. 
This way 6 months passed. 
One day even before Pavitra woke up, kavya was all ready in a silk saree. She was looking beautiful. Pavitra was ready in a normal saree but kavya helped her change into a silk saree. 
After dropping the saree, kavya started to do his make up. He didn't object her, he let her do whatever she wanted to do. 

Kavya was really happy with her work. Pavitra was looking so beautiful. Kavya felt little jealous looking at Pavitra. 
You wait here, I will tell you ,when to come out, said kavya 
Pavitra didn't understand what was going on. So he stayed in the room. 
After 20 min, kavya came to the room. Pavitra stood up 
You are so beautiful, I am 100% sure, they will like you, Said kavya 
Who is they ? Thought Pavitra 
Kavya placed her hands on Pavitra's shoulder and slowly escorted her to the living room. There Pavitra noticed few people sitting on the couch. Just then kavya handed Pavitra a tray containing coffee cups and asked her to serve. Pavitra didn't understand anything. Just like kavya said she served them coffee. 
I made the coffee but I have to tell you, she is a really good cook. She is kind and patient. She will be a good daughter in law to you and a good wife to your son, said kavya 
Immediately Pavitra understood what was going on. 
Pavitra was very nervous. The lady noticed it. 
Take Pavitra inside, she is very nervous, said the lady 
Kavya took Pavitra to a room and went to the living room. 
Pavitra was nervous and ashamed. His wife is trying to get him married to a guy. 

After 20 minutes kavya came to the room after they left. 
Kavya was very happy. She sat beside Pavitra. 
Pavitra, you must me angry on me for not telling you about this before. But they are very nice people. Naveen (the groom), is a good person, he earns 1 lakh a month. He will be a good husband to you said kavya 
Pavitra said no 
Kavya got little angry. It's a great match and Pavitra said no. 
She started to convince Pavitra. Then she saw tears rolling down on his cheeks. 
Kavya was shocked, she doesn't know why Pavitra is crying. 
She hugged her and tried to console her. 
Kavya thought, Pavitra might had a bad past with men , she seemed scared. 
Kavya decided not to force Pavitra for the marriage after that.
For another 6 months, Pavitra was happy. Kavya didn't ask him about the marriage. 
  One fine day, his mom and his mother in law visited his home. He didn't see his mom after the accident, he just know they are fine, when Kavya told him about them. 
They both greeted Pavitra well. Kavya told them about Pavitra before and they are happy that Kavya has some one to look after her at home. 
Pavitra was really happy to see his mom. For the next few days Pavitra become close to his mom and mil. 
At night his mil gave him silk saree as a gift and asked him to wear it tomorrow. 
It was all weird for Pavitra, his mom treating him like a woman, his mil gave a saree as a gift. 
Next day as usual he woke up early in the morning and wore the silk saree his mil gave him. He got ready and went to kavya's room. There he saw his mom and mil in silk sarees. And are helping kavya to wear a silk saree as well. 
Is there any special occasion today? Pavitra asked them. 
I found a guy for kavya. He and his family are visiting today., said his mil
Pavitra was stunned. 
Just then his mom came to him with flowers in her hand and pinned them in his hair. 
Now your look is complete. I have to say you are very beautiful woman, said his mom 
Did not hear anything, he was still in shock.

His mil handed him a nail Polish bottle and asked him to do kavya's nails. He could not do anything other than walking to his wife and help her look beautiful for other guy to see her. 
After kavya got ready, his mom and mil left the room. He looked at kavya, to see her reaction. She is not happy and not sad as well. 
After a while his mil entered the room and asked Pavitra to escort kavya. With heavy heart he escorted his wife to the living room. Pavitra saw a family sitting on the couch. Pavitra is trying really hard to control his emotions. He looked at the guy, who came to see kavya. A handsome man and well built. He looked at the guy's arms, they are muscled arms and Pavitra looked at his own  arms, which are dainty and lot of bangles to them. 
After they left, his mom and mil asked kavya about her decision. 
I need some time to think, said kavya 
Pavitra was scared thinking his wife might agree for the marriage. 
In the night he had a nightmare, just like today, he helped his wife get ready as a bride, he escorted her to the stage and kavya got married to a guy, all pavitra did is to watch a guy tie mangalsutra around kavya's neck. And pavitra watching it helplessly. 
He immediately woke up and tears rolled  down his cheeks. 
after few days his mom and mil left to their respective home's. pavitra was waiting for kavya's response.
pavitra could not wait for kavya to talk about the marriage ,so he decided to ask her himself.
on Sunday morning after doing their work ,pavitra sat beside kavya ,he started the conversation and slowly diverted the topic to the marriage .when he asked her about her response for the marriage proposal, kavya reminded silent for few minutes. .
I am still not over my husband .we did not find his body. There is a chance he might be alive, so i will wait for him as long as it takes ,said kavya sadly.
suddenly pavitra hugged kavya tightly. kavya was surprised , she did not expect a hug from pavitra.
if your is injured badly ,would you still stay with him ,asked pavitra
i will ,said kavya confidently
in the worst case ,if your husband was injured badly and the only way to save him is to turn him into a woman, would you still consider him as your husband , asked pavitra
kavya was stunned with question. she looked at pavitra ,who is looking at her seriously for an answer.
even he might be a woman physically , he will still be my husband and i will never leave him , said kavya
tears rolled down pavitra's cheeks, 
do you know ,where my husband is? asked kavya
pavitra did not answer. he just cried.
are you my husband ? asked kavya with hesitation thinking it might inappropriate
pavitra just nodded his head, and was crying
kavya did not understand. she asked pavitra ,are you my husband?
i am your husband pavan , now pavitra, said pavitra
kavya was looking at pavitra in shock. pavitra knows its hard for anyone to think pavitra was a man .
he slowly started to unhook his blouse from the bottom to show his mole to kavya . kavya was stunned ,when she saw the mole. Its her husband.

kavya hugged pavitra tightly . They both cried hugging each other. kavya still could not believe it ,the woman next to her is her husband. pavitra explained everything to kavya.
 I am sorry , i brought you a marriage proposal to marry a guy ,said kavya
pavitra just smiled and nodded his head.
I did not know whether you still love me or not , so i decided not tell you about my true identity, said pavitra
They spoke a lot till night. when cooking dinner ,kavya asked pavitra to take rest ,but pavitra still helped kavya in kitchen. kavya went to bed early. so after little work , pavitra entered kavya's bed room ,his previous bed room. kavya looked at pavitra with a smile. He walked towards kavya and sat beside her. pavitra did not know how to initiate the sex, kavya was waiting for pavitra to initiate sex. pavitra was sad , now he does not have a penis. so he sat silently.
i can not satisfy you like before , said pavitra and was opening his blouse. 
kavya was surprised to his beautiful breasts. she touched his breasts ,she noticed pavitra was feeling good about it. she started to suck it. in no time ,they are naked . even though pavitra does not have his manhood , he always been very good with his fingers. kavya absolutely loved it. kavya did stick her fingers into pavitra's vagina was well , his vagina is sensitive , he was enjoying and moaning .
next day when they woke up .they were shy to talk about last night. They bathed together. When they came out kavya picked the sarees for both of them. 
Pavitra walked towards kavya
do you want me to wear sarees? i can have a surgery to remove my breasts , i will cut my hair and i will wear pants again , said pavitra
you are not a man anymore. pavan should not have breasts , long hair and should wear pants . but now you are pavitra , a woman , you should have breasts , long hair and pants does not suit you ,said kavya
pavitra was sad listening to it.
pavitra , i am not trying to hurt you ,it is the truth. we should accept it ,said kavya and handed him a saree.
kavya was surprised ,when pavitra wore the saree before her.
kavya did his make up and started to do his hair. it exited kavya, she never thought she would braid her husband's hair. 
I am really jealous of you, said kavya
Why? Asked pavitra
sarees suit you and your hair is long with good volume. I have to you are lot more beautiful than me , said kavya
pavitra was embarrassed a little. kavya pinned flowers his hair to complete his look.
kavya saw tears in his eyes.
thank you for accepting me , said pavitra
i hope you do not leave me for a man ,teased kavya
They both laughed and went to a temple.

Kavya told her marriage decision to her mom. but she did not tell them pavitra's real identity. They thought it is good to keep it as a secret for a while. If the persons from whom pavan was running away found out about him it would be trouble.
But kavya wanted to tell about pavitra his mom at least, his mom still cries a lot remembering him.
After few weeks , his mom and his mil again visited them. 
kavya's mom again started to ask her about the marriage proposal.
mom ,i told you , i am waiting for pavan to come back, said kavya
kavya ,you should accept the reality. He passed way , you are still young. you have a good life ahead of you ,do not throw it way ,said her mom
pavitra's mom started crying.
listen to your mom ,said her mil
pavan already came back to me ,said kavya
They both were stunned.
really? where is he ,asked both of them.
pavitra was nervous .He does not how would they react .if they found out pavitra is actually pavan.
They kept on asking kavya about pavan.
I will tell you about pavan but you should not tell anyone about it .said kavya
They both agreed and kavya pointed her finger towards pavitra.
They did not understand. They asked pavitra , whether she knows about pavan's location. pavitra sat silently, he did not respond.
pavitra is pavan ,said kavya finally.
They still could not understand.
kavya explained to them everything.
my pavan has a mole just below his right chest ,said his mom 
pavitra slowly unhooked his blouse from the bottom and showed the mole. His mom gasped when she saw it. They both hugged crying pavitra.
after a while they stopped crying. They could not believe , pavitra is actually pavan.
They both were happy listening to the decision of kavya accepting pavitra as her husband.
Next day when pavitra's mom entered his room ,he is already in a saree. 
i never thought ,i would say this but its seems my son has become an expert in draping a saree ,said his mom
pavitra does not know what to say.
They both went to the living room. while his mom sat on the couch ,he sat on the floor before her .His mom took a comb and started to brush his hair.
just then kavya and her mom joined them.
my daughter has beautiful , said kavya's mom
not compared to my daughter's , said his mom
They were teasing pavitra a lot .
They decided to keep this as secret.
Outside they are girlfriends but inside they are wife and husband.


  1. Wat happen to cream story pls continue tat mam

  2. please post immunity cream story. please please...................................................................................................

  3. Plz continue immunity cream story

  4. Very super story pa pls continue pa

  5. మీ స్టోరీ చాలా బాగుంది మీరు రెగ్యులర్ గా వ్రాయండి డెలే చేయకండి

  6. Has anyone tried this blog?


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