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Started on Mother's day - 2

 As they completed the photo shoot, they went inside the house. Sujith wanted to change into pant and shirt. But anjali  wasn't leaving his side. She spent lot of time to get him ready, so he decided to be in the saree for  a while. 

Just then their door bell range and his heart sank. He knows it's his wife. Rahul opened the door and he wasn't wrong it's his wife. 

Rekha came to the hall and saw a woman on the sofa. So she went towards the woman. 

HI, sorry to ask this, who are you? Asked Rekha 

Sujith didn't answer and both anjali and Rahul were laughing. 

Mom, look close at her, said anjali 

Rekha looked closely at the women and realized it's her husband. She started laughing and asked him why is he wearing a saree? 

Anjali explained her every and Rekha was little sad that Sujith was more a mother to them than her and she is happy as well. Her her husband doesn't have any male ego and wore saree for his daughter. Rekha sate beside Sujith. 

I have to say, you really look like a woman, says Rekha 

Sujith was relieved that his wife didn't take it in the wrong way. 

At night anjali, Rekha and Sujith cooked dinner together. 

After having dinner, while they are going to sleep. Anjali thanked Sujith again. Sujith smiled and said anything for my daughter. As Sujith and Rekha entered the room , Sujith wanted to remove the saree and change into something comfortable. Rekha stopped him and went to him. 

Don't remove anything, I will remove everything for your said, Rekha with a wicked smile 

She started to kiss him and started to remove his saree. It's the best sex they ever had. 

In the morning Rekha woke him up. He slowly woke up, the flowers in his are spoiled and he was wearing nothing. His fake breasts are completely visible. Sujith felt shy and immediately covered them. 

Rekha smiled and handed him a nighty. 

I can't wear this, said Sujith 

Of course, you can, you wore a saree yesterday remember. Wear this till I take a bath, said Rekha 

Sujith clothes are in different room, his wife has so many clothes, there is place to keep this in this took. Sujith has only two options, wear the saree back and wear this nighty. 

He choose the nighty and wore it. As he wore it. 

Honey, can you go to kitchen, I am cooking breakfast, it might be burnt, if you don't go fast, said anjali 

Sujith slowly walked out of the room. Currently he is in a nighty, bangles, anklets, earrings, bindi and his braid till his butt. 

As he was entering kitchen, he saw his daughter. 

OH, yesterday you changed into the nighty? Asked anjali 

Sujith can't share what happened last night, so he just nodded. 

Admit it, nighty is lot more comfortable than your night pant and t-shirt, asked anjali 

Just to make a conversation, 

Yes, it is more comfortable, said Sujith.

But this nighty is little small your you, said anjali. Then Sujith asked anjali to remove the breast forms and hair extensions. 

Then anjali removed his breast forms and hair extensions. 

Sujith got ready and went to the office. 

After few days, Rekha came home at 10pm. She was tired and little irritated. Sujith noticed it and asked her, why she is late today? 

Ha, anjali told me you liked the nighty more than your night pant and shirt. So I wanted to buy you few nightie for the last 3 days, today I got time, the problem is i couldn't find good nighties of your size, so I have to go to few shops to finally get to look the nighties, said Rekha 

Sujith was shocked, he doesn't want to wear nighties everyday. 

I hope you like them, I have to go to multiple shops for it, said Rekha 

Sujith does not want to upset rekha, she is little short tempered as well. 

All Sujith managed to say is thank you 

Open them and wear it now, said Rekha calmly as she is changing into her nighty 

Sujith slowly opened the bag and he saw 6 nighties and 6 petticoats. He is surprised. 

Why did you buy 6 nighties and petticoats? Asked Sujith 

I went to shop and we don't want to go again and again for the nighties, so I bought 6 nighties and you can't wear the nighty alone, you need to wear petticoat under it, said Rekha 

Sujith we in disbelief. 

Common try them, see whether fit are not Said Rekha 

Sujith was in his night pant and shirt, removed them and first wore the petticoat and then the nighty. 

They fit you correctly. Said Rekha 

Sujith did not  eat till now, so they both were going to kitchen. Then Anjali saw Sujith. 

OH, dad mom nought you the nighties, said Anjali 

Sujith just smiled. 

Next day, when Sujith came home, he decided to wear night pant and shirt, when he opened his wardrobe, he could not find them. 

Sujith called Anjali to ask about it. 

Ha, dad morning mom told me to give them away to charity along with our old clothes, said Anjali and left 

Sujith was shocked. He doesn't have any other choice now. He sadly removed his clothes and wore petticoat and a nighty. 

He went to kitchen and started to prepare dinner. While cooking his long hair was irritating him. Generally he used wear it on a man bun. Anjali noticed it and came to him. 

Let me help you dad, said Anjali 

Sujith let her, she just brushed it and made a ponytail. Sujith didn't mind it. 

Just then rekha came home. She saw his ponytail 

You finally wore a ponytail instead of that ugly man bun, said rekha

May be I should get a hair cut, said Sujith 

No no no no, shouted both Anjali and rekha simultaneously 

You should not cut your hair because you can't manage it properly, we are here you help you, said rekha 

Anjali, you are in charge of your dad's hair, said rekha 

OK, mom. I will make sure  it grows long and strong, said anjali

Sujith could not say anything. 

It's continued for few days. One day, in the evening 

Rekha sat beside Sujith, 

Sujith, you face really empty, said rekha 

Empty? Asked Sujith 

Yes, with your hair in the ponytail, your forehead feels empty, said rekha and went to her room and came back. 

She sat beside him again and placed something on his forehead. 

Sujith panicked. 

What is it, asked sujith

It's just a small bindi, said rekha

No no, I don't want bindi said  sujitha and was removing it. 

Let it be Sujith, when I look at you it feels empty and it is making me uncomfortable, said rekha

Uncomfortable? Thought Sujith 

Sujith did not do anything. 

Just then anjali came to them. 

OH, finally, I wanted to tell you dad, your face was looking empty. Now it's good, said anjali 

Sujith decided not to make a big deal out of it. It's a bindi and he is not going out wearing it. 

It continued for days 


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