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Started on Mother's day - 4

It's been 5 months since the mother's day. So much has changed for sujith. Now his bindi's are as big as rekha's bindi's. Most importantly, on weekends, he is wearing only salwars, chudi. 
His hair also till his chest now. 
He got used them and living peacefully. 

And it's time for Diwali, sujith and his family will celebrate Diwali every year. So usual his wife and daughter did all the shopping. 

On the day of Diwali sujitha over slept, when he woke up. His wife was ready in a silk saree. She was looking really beautiful. 

Sujith, take a bath quickly. We have to do puja in 2 hours, said rekha 

I don't need 2 hours to get ready, Saud sujith 

We will see about that, said rekha 

Sujith didn't understand what rekha meant. 

Rekha asked him to clean shave, since it's festival. 

He agreed and went to the bathroom. After a while he took the bath and finally came out. While drying his hair, 

So, where are my new clothes? Asked sujith 

Here, said rekha pointing her finger to a silk saree which is on the bed. 

Sujith thought it might have been a joke. 

Haha, very funny, now give me my clothes, asked sujith

Hey, it's not a joke. That saree is really for you. A matching blouse also stitched for you. Me and anjali bought matching bangles as well, said rekha 

Sujith was shocked. He as no words to say. 

I don't want to wear a saree, said sujith

Common, don't say that now. Me and anjali went lot of struggle to stitch a matching blouse for you. It's a festival season as well, said rekha 

I don't care, I don't want to wear a saree. That to in in front of our kids, said sujith 

Sujith, don't worry about them. They are already expecting to see you in a saree, said rekha 

Sujith didn't move. Rekha came to him and started to dress him up. Sujith was very disappointed. 

Sujitha, don't feel sad, I still remember the first time I saw you in a saree on Mother's day, you were happy. You didn't mind being on a saree, said rekha 

Sujith, knows it's different now. As he was thinking about it, he is already in the blouse and a petticoat. Rekha took the silk saree and started to drape it. 

She neatly made the pleats and tucked into his petticoat and pinned the pallu on his left shoulder. Then she carefully pinned the saree using safety pins on few places. 

Now look in the mirror, you are looking so good in the saree, said rekha trying to cheer him up. 

That's what sujith hated, he is looking so good in the saree better than any pant and shirt he ever wore. 

Then rekha asked him to sit before the dressing table and started to do his make up. Rekha wanted to add the hair extensions but she knows it will disappoint him. So instead she made his chest length hair into a bun. After adding jhumkas to his ears, a necklace around his neck, anklets to his legs, matching bangles to his hands and a nice bindi on his forehead. Then she took the Jasmin flowers and decorated his bun.

Sujith was feeling very girly. He know, s rekha did his hair in a feminine manner and he doesn't want to look at it. 

Now common, anjali would have done everything ready for the puja, said rekha 

Sujitha looked at the clock, he took 1 hour and 45 min to get ready. Sujith was very embarrassed to see kids even though they saw him the saree before, today is different. 

Anjali was happy to see sujith in the saree, she thought he might not agree to wear it today. 

She complemented sujith along with Rahul. 

While sujith was doing puja, his bangles are making a lot of sound. He became very conscious about bangles and anklets. Handling his pallu came naturally to him since every day he was handing his dupatta. 

Both rekha and anjali thought sujitha might struggle in the saree but  it didn't not trouble him much. 

Even though sujith was conscious he is in saree, he enjoyed the day with his family. 

At night he changed back into a nighty. Rekha make it up to him in the bed that night. 

Since that day rekha did ask him to wear a saree until 

It's finally Sankranti (Pongal) , sujith got 5 days holidays including the weekends. So on the day of the festival, he helped rekha with the  household works and they haven't taken the bath yet. 

Sujith, first you take the bath. After helping you with the saree, I will take the bath, said relax very casually 

Saree again? Asked sujith with disappoint

Yes, what were you expecting on festivals. I don't want you to wear old salwars, while others in the family wear new clothes, said rekha little angrily 

But why saree?  Instead you could have bought new pant and shirt, said sujith 

What's wrong in wearing sarees? Asked rekha angrily 

There is nothing wrong in it but I would prefer pant and shirt, said sujith 

Everyday you are wearing pant and shirt, at least on festivals wear sarees, said rekha 

Before sujitha could say anything rekha stopped him. 

It don't want to hear anything, I have already bought 3 silk saree for you and stitched blouses always, said rekha 

3 silk sarees? Asked sujith 

Of course, the festival is for 3 days, so 3 sarees, said rekha 

Sujith was in disbelief. 

Now go take a bath, I will come to the room in 20 min, said rekha 

Sujith silently went to the room. While taking the bath so many things are running on his mind. As he came out of the bathroom, he saw rekha waiting for him and he noticed a beautiful saree on the bed for him. 

After wearing the blouse and petticoat. Unlike the previous occasions, this time rekha started to teach him, how to drape the saree. He too listened to her carefully. After draping the saree, she quickly did his make up as well. Then came the jewelry. A beautiful necklace around his neck, dangling jhumkas, anklets and golden bangles to his hands increased his beauty. 

Rekha carefully middle parted his hair and made a beautiful bun. A bindi between his eye brows increased his beauty even more. And finally she took the Jasmin flowers and pinned them to his bun. 

You are ready now. Go to the kitchen, while I take a bath, said rekha and went to the bathroom.  

Sujith silently went to the kitchen and continued the work. 

After a while anjali came to the kitchen. She hugged sujith 

Dad, you are really looking good in this saree. I knew it as soon I saw it in the shop, it will look good on you said, anjali 

Anjali was talking to sujith joyfully and sujith wasn't responding 

What dad? Didn't like the saree? Asked anjali sadly 

No no, it's not like that. These bangles and ankles are still new to me, said sujith 

OH yeah. You should wear it regularly if not possible daily, you will become comfortable with them, said anjali

And they were taking, rekha also got ready in the saree. 

They spent lot of time in the kitchen. And are chit chatting 

Mom, next time when we go shopping, we should take dad also with us, said anjali

Yes, even I was thinking about it, your dad can choose his sarees on his own,   said rekha 


  1. Nice story please complete it soon waiting for next part

  2. Thank you so much your stories are awesome. Please add some more stories

  3. Please kindly add some more stories


  4. I'm addicted to your stories, love you

  5. This story is so awesome, luv to read more strories,, i wish it happens to me in reality

  6. Please add some more stories. We all are waiting eagerly, Thank you Sister

  7. Nice one...Forced Feminization should be next

  8. Next part kb aayega yr aur kitna inrezaar krna hoga sis

  9. Abeena (a crossdresser from Kerala)7 November 2022 at 10:51

    I like the story, but still unhappy that you didn't mention about bras in this story. Bra is something that gives the crossdresser shape and life to their body. Please include sexy innerwear mention in your next story and also include sanitary napkin usage by the crossdresser. Thank you

  10. Please assume and add lock down stories between husband and wife or brother and sister. Thanks

  11. Include surprise visit of mother in law who is traditional on the occasion of Sankranti festival and she informs the Sumit to wear mangalasutra and to be in sarees whenever she is present.

  12. Please carry on this particular story.. Its sad that you stopped on chapter 8..please please We beg you


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