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Started on mother's day - 7

 The next day sujith was very nervous. He has to meet his colleagues in the office. He got ready on his pants and shirt. 

When he reached office, he was nervous. He silently went to his cubical and started to do his work. Most of the employees in the office are women. 

Neha and Rupa are his team mates. Because of the work they didn't speak in the morning, in the afternoon while having lunch, when sujith was having lunch, Neha and remaining ladies sat around him. Sujith was little uncomfortable, he feared all of them knew about him wearing saree. 

Don't worry, we didn't tell anyone, said Neha 

It continued for few weeks. 

Since sujith has only one chudidhar , he is wearing it on Saturday and on Sunday he is wearing saree by himself. He is too embarrassed to ask rekha to buy few chudidhar's for him, so he is wearing sarees on Sunday. 

Within few weeks, he could not find his only chudidhar, either he has to ask rekha to buy him few chudidhar's or wear a saree. He chose to wear a saree on Saturday as well. He felt, if he asks rekha to buy him few chudidhar's, she might think he really likes to wear women clothes. 

Since he can wear the saree by himself. Rekha decided to teach him how to apply make up and wear the accessories. He is not at all interested but rekha gave him no choice. She made him learn it. 

Within in a month or so, he can dress himself in a saree and wear necessary accessories and apply make up as well. 

Sujith somehow wanted to be free of all these or at least he should not let it progress. 

The following week, 

Neha - Sujith, there is a function in my home tomorrow. I really home you would come and help me in few things at home. 

Sujith - no problem. I will be there. 

As Neha asked sujith went to her home 2 hours before the function starts. 

As sujith entered the home, Neha greeted him and invited him in. Sujith does not know about the function. 

Thank you for coming sujith, our colleagues are really busy really busy, so I don't have any option but invite you, said Neha 

What is this function? Anyway, asked sujith 

OH, it's a ladies function, said Neha 

Sujith was shocked. 

I can't be here. It's a ladies function, said sujith 

Of course, you can be here. No one will recognize you in a saree, said Neha 

Saree?  Asked stunned sujith 

Yeah, sujith. You need to change into a saree. I already picked a saree for you, said Neha 

I am sorry Neha but I can't do this, said sujith 

Please sujith, I don't know any other ladies besides you, said Neha 

Sujith was stunned. She is treating sujith as a woman. 

You don't need to worry, none of our office colleagues will be here. I kept your secret safe with me, think this as a favor to me, said Neha 

Sujith doesn't what you do. He was thinking, if he doesn't do her a favor she might tell his secret to everyone. 

With lot of thinking, he agreed to wear a saree. Neha was very happy. She took him to a room, sujith noticed a saree and jewelry on the bed. 

Sujith, these are for you, said Neha 

Sujith was still in shock. 

Sujith, do you need any help, asked Neha 

No, I can manage, said sujith 

Neha just gave a smile and left the room. 

Dejected sujith, removed his pant and shirt. He slowly started to wear the blouse and the petticoat. Then the saree. He neatly made the pleates and tucked into his petticoat and then pinned the pallu on his left. 

Then he sat before the dressing table and started to apply make up. He took the jewelry Neha gave him and started to wear them. He wore the necklace, dangling earrings, golden bangles, anklets. 

He quickly removed his man bun and styled into a feminine style. He took the flowers which are on the bed and pinned them in his hair. He looked himself in the mirror and noticed he forgot to wear the binding. He quickly took it and placed on his forehead. 

He was looking himself in the full length mirror to make sure everything is perfect. 

Just then Neha entered the room, she thought sujith might need some help but he is all dressed up. 

Sujitha madam, if you finished admiring yourself km the mirror, can you help me in few chores, teased Neha 

Sujitha was little embarrassed and didn't say anything. 

He started to do the chores Neha asked him to do. 

Neha was observing sujith, how he is handling the saree. She is surprised that sujith was handling the saree like an expert. She realized, sujith is wearing sarees very regularly at home. All his mannerism is so feminine. 

As Neha was admiring, she heard 

Sunrise,!!!!  From lot of ladies. 

When Neha saw them, she is surprised, it's there office colleagues. It's a shock for sujith. 

Rupa saw sujith and recognized him. 

So Neha invited you too, said Rupa loudly 

His office colleagues looked at sujith and thinking who is she, suddenly they realized 

No way, don't tell me, who I think that is, they said 

Rupa smiled and said 

Yes, that our sujitha. 

All the ladies worked towards him. They still can't believe this lady is actually sujith. They had so many questions. 

Rupa and Neha explained them everything, saying sujith likes to dress up in women clothes and he likes sarees a lot. 

Sujitha was really shocked to see his boss as well. He just stood silently. Slowly they started to talk to sujith and he started to talk back as well. In the entire function sujith was with them. 

At the end of the function, sujith wanted to change back pant and shirt but Neha request him not to, since few ladies are still in the house. So sujith puts his pant and shirt on a bag and started to leave. 

He starts his car and starts driving to home in the saree. 


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