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Started on mother's day - 8

 When sujith reached home rekha was surprised to see sujith in a saree. She also noticed sujith is little sad. 

Sujith sat on the couch disappointed. 

Sujitha, what happened? Why are you so sad? Asked rekha 

Sujith explained everything to rekha. 

Sujitha, the only problem I see is, you still can not braid your hair, said rekha 

Sujith was irritated by rekha 

Don't get angry,  the moment Neha and rupa  saw you at the temple, I knew one day everyone in the office will know it, even you know that as well, said rekha 

What should I do now? Asked sujith 

Nothing will happen. I think it will do more good than bad, said rekha 

Good? Thought sujith 

Tonight I will tell you how to braid your own hair, said rekha 

It's the only that remaining, he thought

Next when sujith reached the office he was nervous but nothing bad happened. Actually no said anything about the function. 

Few days passed, on Friday when he got home. Sujith noticed few of his neighboring ladies. They invited both anjali and rekha to the function. So sujith is walking to his room, he heard Sujitha. His heart skipped a little when he heard. It's the neighboring ladies. They called him sujitha 

The lady came to him and applied turmeric paste on his cheeks and have him some sindoor. 

You should come the ladies function along with anjali and rekha, she said 

Sujith was still in shock. He angrily went to his room. He was thinking rekha might have told him. Just then rekha entered the room. 

Sujith, you might think I told them about sujitha. But I didn't tell them at first, said rekha 

Then how did they know? Asked sujith angrily. 

They said they saw you at the temple but they didn't recognize it was you until few days ago, when you came from the function in a saree in you car, they recognized it was you. So asked me about it and I have no choice but to explain them everything., said rekha 

Sujith's head was spinning. He is already on the home wearing sarees, his office colleagues knows, now his neighbors also knows. 

Sujith we have to get ready. Saud rekha 

I am not going, said sujith 

You have to, she is expecting you. If you don't come it will be disrespect to her, she thinks you as a woman and women to respond men at least, said rekha 

Sujith is still not convinced. 

Listen to me sujitha, today it might me hard for you but you have one choice. Once you meets them, you don't any hesitation to speak with them on the future in saree, said rekha 

Sujith can't escape from this situation. He is stuck. After today they won't treat him like a man, he is a woman for them.

Rekha is all ready. Rekha left the room to help anjali. 

Sujith realized he has no choice. So sadly too a saree and started to get ready. 

After 30 min sujith walked out of the room in a neatly dropped saree, he braided his hair, wore matching bangles, anklets, a necklace etc. 

Rekha was little happy that sujith is not complicating it. Just then rahul came home. And he bought Jasmin flowers with him and have to rekha. 

Rahul, I think these are too much, said rekha 

I bought them for three of you said, said rahul 

Sujith was little angry on rahul but he was silent. Since they are so many flowers. Rekha pinned a lot of flowers in sujith's hair along with hers and anjali's. 

Sujith was really ashamed while walking on the streets and entering the neighbors home.. When he entered, they greeted anjali, rekha and sujith normally. Sujith was surprised the way everyone is treating him like he always has been a women. 

 The function went very very smoothly for sujith, he didn't had any trouble. 


  1. Please tie manglasuthra to him

  2. I love your stories most

  3. Really so nice your stories Anjali

  4. Please pierce his nose and additional piercing in his ears.

  5. Nice story sister. Please make him admire on female accessories and make him to apply sindoor on middle partition of hair, additional piercings, apply nail colour on hands & toes, toe rings, get him admit to wear mangalasutra.

  6. Would love to see him adorned in a mangsutra, sindoor, toe ring and nose ring like a traditional housewife.

  7. Liking the way the story is developing. Please make him wear more accessories than what his wife ever wore. Make him more girly than his wife.

  8. Update madam ,1 week completed

  9. Super story mam

  10. Amazing story, can't wait to read the next chapters.

  11. Next part please

  12. Next part please ,tie mangalsutra make him as a wife

  13. next part please

  14. Plz write next part quickly

  15. Nice story…it would be more better if little humiliation & teasing gets added. Very good story

  16. Please update next part

  17. Next part please , please tie mangalasutra

  18. Please sister start new story for this new year 2023

  19. Please complete it

  20. Hope everything is all right. Anxiously waiting for the next chapters of this wonderful story.

  21. What happened to this story?

  22. Waiting for the next chapters

  23. Sis pls write d nxt chapters

  24. You r doing great job with this story. Please add next chapters.

  25. Sis - plz add next parts fast. This is one of the best story.

  26. Please complete this Story. It is a good concept

  27. Please complete this story. మధ్యలోనే వదిలేస్తే మహాపాపం తెలుసా!!!

  28. Y do u dont response your fan? Atleast u can give any update if u r not able to do it

  29. Please conclude this story

  30. Plzz finsh this story

  31. Complete the story


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