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A lot has changed from 2nd year to 3rd year - 2

 Shiva  stood in the kitchen for while then 

Shivani, can you help me with few chores asked Kavya

Shiva  also agreed. He was getting bored. Kavya asked him to do few chores, while he was doing the work his pallu was flying because of the wind. 

Kavya noticed it and told Shiva to bring the pallu to front and tuck it into his petticoat near the pleats. 

Shiva did just like he was told. 

After having the dinner together. Shiva slept in his room. 

Next day he woke up, he immediately went to bathroom and took a bath. 

When he came out, everything is ready and his mom his eager to dress him up. 

Shiva noticed the blouse and he was about to wear it, but Kavya stopped him. 

Shiva was wondering, why he was stopped. 

Shivani, whenever you wear a saree, you don't get female shape, so I bought these, said Kavya with a smile showing fake breast forms. 

Shiva was startled, he doesn't want to wear them. But Kavya insisted him. He finally gave up and agreed. 

He slept on the bed and Kavya glued the breast forms on his chest. When he stood up, he can actually feel the weight. 

Mom, I think they are heavy, said Shiva 

Kavya smiled 

That's why you need to wear a bra, said Kavya and handed him a bra. 

Shiva doesn't know how to wear it. Kavya understood his struggle and helped him to wear it. 

Shiva was felt really weird, his center of gravity changed. 

He knows even though he is wearing a bra, if he jumps, his new breasts are gonna jump up and down. 

He quickly wore the blouse and petticoat. Kavya took the silk saree and she neatly draped it. 

She did his make up and started to added few jewelry. 

Shiva was just observing it. After the jewelry. Kavya middle parted it and neatly braided his hair. Then she took lot of flowers and pinned in his long braided hair. 

When he stood up, he can feel the weight he is going to carry. 

Shiva was thinking, this is the last time he is going to wear a saree, on the other hand Kavya was so happy, she was thinking from now onwards she is going to have these moments every now and then. 

He walked out of his room and had breakfast. 

When he was about to leave, Kavya stopped him. 

Sweety, wait. Daddy will drop you, said Kavya 

As he was waiting for his daddy. Kavya have him few more suggestions about handling the saree.

Just then Raghu came out of the room. Shiva was feeling really shy. Raghu kissed on his forehead and they walked out of the living room. 

Raghu started the bike and asked Shiva to sit on the back. It was new to Shiva, so Kavya told him how sit on one side. 

He sat on the bike like a woman and carefully placed his pallu on his lap. 

Raghu dropped him at the college. 

Shiva walked into the college elegantly in the saree. Once he reached the hall, few girls are already there, they greeted Shiva. 

They noticed new breasts of Shiva but didn't mention anything about it. 

After a while Neha also arrived, she was looking so beautiful in the saree. 

Neha was busy with her work. Just then Arun also came, he is wearing shirt and dhoti, Shiva doesn't want to admit but Arun is looking very handsome. 

Arun noticed Shiva and came to the girls. 

All you Girls are looking so beautiful. I wish you would wear only sarees to college, Arun Said looking Shiva. 

Few girls started to blush for his comments. 

No, leave the girls alone. Go to your boys gang. Here only girls should be here, said Rupa one of the girl. 

Arun laughed and left. 

Now it's time for the show. Their drama started off well, it mainly focuses on Shiva, Neha and Arun. 

While Arun was doing manly stuff, Shiva had to do girly stuff, sit like a girl, move like a girl, play with his long braided hair and his saree pallu. 

Those who doesn't know that beautiful girl is Shiva, they all have a crush on him now.

As the drama progress, it mainly focuses on Neha and Arun. They both are acting together really well. 

At the end of the drama, Arun holds Neha by her waist and they almost kissed. 

Everyone liked the drama. When their drama ended, Shiva and Co went to changing room. 

Girls helped Shiva to remove his jewelry and just then Neha came to him. 

Hey Shiva,  your performance was so good, praised Neha. 

Shiva? Now you are calling me Shiva. For a week, you were treating me like a girl and your sister. You are going out with Arun. Now what do you want with me, go to your boyfriend Arun, said Shiva angrily. 

Neha also got very angry. 

Arun and I are just friends. He was helping me with Boys stuff, since your are very busy looking beautiful in the saree and getting your long hair braided by other girls, said Neha 

So you are spending a lot of time even after leaving the college because he is your friend?  where did you love birds go, Said Shiva

Are you angry because your girlfriend spending lot of time with a guy? Or are you jealous that you couldn't spend much time with a guy, said Neha. 

Shiva got very angry on Neha. 

OK, let's break up. So you can spend your time with your new boyfriend, said Shiva 

You should have been happy at least I was loving you. Which girl wants a sissy for a boyfriend, said Neha angrily. 

Are you going to continue as Shivani in college? You are looking so comfortable as Shivani Added Neha

What if I am? Said Shiva

You know what, I will continue as Shivani in college, I like being a girl. why do you care? You are not my girl friend, said Shiva

Shiva and Neha and few more words to say and they left angrily. They didn't notice a lot of people were watching them. 

Just as he left the college, his dad was waiting for him, Shiva sat on back and he reached home. Shiva doesn't want to look sad before his mom and dad, so he acted as everything was OK. 

Kavya was very happy seeing Shiva, He was very happy with a bright smile. 

Kavya asked him about the drama and he explained the goods parts to her. 

After the function they had 2 days holiday, so Shiva changed back to his male clothes. 

The next day after the function, Kavya went to his room. 

Shivani, we need to go the beauty salon, to remove the hair extensions and breast forms, said Kavya

It's OK mom, I am comfortable with them, we can go to the salon later, said Shiva 

When Shiva left his room for lunch, he was wearing his T- shirt and his breasts shape is Clearly visible, when Kavya noticed it, she immediately went to her room and came out with a dupatta. 

With dupatta Kavya covered his breasts. Shiva wanted to remove it but Kavya stopped him. 

Till they are removed, you will cover them with dupatta, said Kavya

Now sit down, I will do your hair, said Kavya

As he sat, Kavya started to brush his hair. She middle parted it and braided it. She was still angry on Shiva for not covering his breasts and walking casually. 

After braiding his hair, she took some flowers and pinned in his hair. Shiva immediately wanted to remove it but Kavya stopped him and gave a angry look. 

Shiva understood his mom is very angry now, so he decided not to remove them. 

After having lunch, he went to his room. He was very sad because of his break up with Neha. 

The very next day, again Kavya braided his hair and pinned flowers in his hair. 

Shiva decided to the salon today to remove the breast forms and hair extensions. 

In the evening, when Shiva was in his room, He heard, Shivani, it's from his mom. 

When he came down, he was surprised to see his principal, Radhika. 

Radhika started explain about her visit. 

So, Shivani at the end of the function I heard, you liked being a girl and wanted to continue as Shivani in college as well, so I am here to say,  you can come to college as Shivani and you have my full support, said Radhika 

By hearing those euros both Shiva and Kavya were shocked. 

No no, Radhika ma'am, it's just a misunderstanding. I never wanted to be a girl and I don't to come to college as a girl, Said Shiva trying to explain her. 

Don't say that now Shivani. Entire college thinks you wanted to be a girl and you will attend college as Shivani,  said Radhika. 

No ma'am, I will explain them, said Shiva 

You can't say that now. If you don't come to college as Shivani. Everyone thinks because of the college and because the principal, you are continuing as Shiva, said Radhika. 

You remember right, what happened last year, a boy wanted to be a girl and he is on transition as well. But the previous principal didn't allow it and abused the boy as well. It got into a big fight, all the students and parents supported that boy and the principal is removed from the position, at the end he even left the town with his family because the hatred he had faced. If you don't agree,  same thing might happen to me as well, said Radhika, she was almost in tears. 

Kavya felt really sad about it. 

Don't cry Radhika, Shivani will come to college, said Kavya

Radhika thanked Kavya and left. 

Mom, I don't want to go to college as a girl, said Shiva almost in tears. 

Kavya hugged him 

Shivani, I know it's a big step. You shouldn't have told that before everyone. We shouldn't let others face the consequences for our actions, said Kavya 

Shiva know it's his mistake. But dressing up as a girl to collage is too much for him. 

Let's do one thing, from tomorrow onwards go to college dressed as a girl and slowly you can start wearing male clothes again. That way no one gets hurt, said Kavya

What his mom said is correct but he still needs to wear girls clothes for a while. 

He knows he doesn't have any choice and he accepted his fate. 

He slept with tears in his eyes. 

The next day, when he came out after he finished his bath. He noticed a bra, blouse, petticoat and a saree on the bed. 

He immediately called his mom. 

Mom, I don't want to wear a saree to college, said Shiva 

Shivani, you don't have any other female clothes. Till we buy them, you have adjust with sarees, said Kavya 

Shiva was defeated. Kavya helped him with the bra and left. 

He took the blouse and started wear it. 

Within 20 min he draped saree as well. 

When Kavya came to his room, he was looking in the mirror to see if everything is OK or not. 

Kavya went to him and showed him few more places, where he have to use safety pins. After everything is done, she applied little make up and started add few necessary jewelry. 

First, she middle parted and braided his long hair. Kavya took small jhumkas and fixed them to his ears, nose stub to his nose, a small chain around his neck, 4 bangles to each hand. 

Shiva doesn't want to wear anklets with lot of bells, so Kavya fixed another pair of anklets with less bells. Then she placed a bindi between his eyes brows. 

When he saw him self in the mirror, he wanted to cry, he can't see anything manly. All he saw is a traditional girl. 

Kavya hugged him 

Don't worry sweety, it's only for a while, consoled Kavya 

After having breakfast, 

Shivani, from today onwards daddy with pick you up and drop you at the college, said Kavya

Shiva was very nervous. 

Shivani, if you need any help. Ask other girls, said Kavya

Raghu started the bike and Shiva sat on the back like a lady. 

Raghu dropped him at the college and shiva started to walk inside the college his hearted pounding, everyone is looking at him. 

When Radhika saw Shivani. She felt really happy. She greeted him and walked him to the class. 

Shivani, we changed CSE branch sections, now you in section - A, said Radhika

As Shiva walked into the class, everyone is surprised, they thought Shiva might come in girls jeans but in a saree. 

Radhika pointed her finger at the girls row, where there is a empty seat. Shiva started to walk towards it and he noticed Neha is not here and he realized she might be in section - B. 

He went and sat beside Rupa. 

He looked at the bench he used to sit before. All his friend are looking at him, his cricket team. Here he is in girls row in a saree. 


  1. Write story regularly

  2. Thanks sis eagerly waiting for this ❤️❤️

  3. Eagerly waiting for the upcoming stories... Please write daily

  4. Very nice Iuv u madam

  5. Your story very super 👌 please continue pa


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