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 Rajesh is a very stubborn and arrogant boy. His parents Raghu and Radha was so fed up by his behavior. Their younger son, Rupesh is very good boy. 

Raghu and Radha received a lot of complaints from the neighbors, being teachers both of them, can't teach manners to their son. 

Rupesh loves his brother but Rajesh never really cared about Rupesh. He beats and scolds him. 

When Rajesh completed his intermediate, Rajesh got admission in a University. They wanted Rajesh out of the house. Rajesh parents were so angry on him. The fights were so big, Rajesh and his parents stopped talking to each other. 

Once Rajesh left for college, there was peace in the home. For 4 years Rajesh never came home and never called them. 

After completing his studies, he informed his brother Rupesh, he is coming home and Rupesh told his parents about it. 

Even though, there are no words between Radha and Rajesh, she wanted to see her son. 

Raghu and Radha expected Rajesh, won't be changed and since they were not involved in his life for past 4 years, he might have become even trouble some. 

At night on 11 pm, they heard a door bell. Raghu and Radha were on the sofa watching TV and Rupesh went to open the door. He wanted to see his brother. 

When Rupesh opened the door, he was little surprised my Rajesh's appearance. Rupesh expected Rajesh to be more aggressive. Rajesh smiled at Rupesh and walked in. 

Rajesh looked at Raghu and Radha. No one said any word. Raghu and Radha are happy to see their son after 4 years. 

Rajesh slowly walked into his room with the bags. He removed his cap and tried to take some rest. 

He kept everything in his wardrobe and slept very late at night. 

Next day early in the morning, Radha gave coffee for both Raghu and Rupesh. Then took a cup of coffee and walked into Rajesh's room. Rajesh's was still sleeping. Radha hesitated to even wake her son. She kept the coffee on the stool and hoped Rajesh will wake up soon. Just then, Radha noticed Rajesh having long hair. She can't clearly see how long. She thought he might have at most till his shoulders and left the room. 

Rajesh woke up really late. Both his mom and dad left for work and his brother went to college. He noticed the cup of coffee on the stool. He smiled realizing his mom made it for him. Of course she didn't wake him up,after all its his fault. 

Before he went to college, he had a big argument with his mom and dad. In the heat of the moment, he told his mom that he wish she was not his mom. 

In the 4 years of college, he regretted it. He wanted to call his mom and say sorry to her but he never did. He thought she might not love him anymore. 

Rajesh went to kitchen and heated the coffee and drank it. After getting ready, he started to do his job. It's been 4 months, since he got his job and the salary is also very good as well. It's a permanent work from home. 

At night Radha made dinner. Radha, Raghu and Rupesh were having. Raghu was hoping Rajesh joined them as well. Radha left the food on the dinning table itself, hoping Rajesh will came down very soon. 

At 10 pm, Rajesh came down and had dinner. Just when he finished and was going to his room. Radha came out of her room and to check whether Rajesh ate or not. 

When Rajesh was walking on the steps, Radha was shocked looking at his long hair. Rajesh has very long hair and it was braided neatly, it's till his butt. As he was walking, his braid was swinging. 

Radha closed her her mouth with astonishment. The braid is not only long, the volume of his hair is incredible. 

Within few days both Raghu and Rupesh were also surprised by Rajesh's hair. 

The very next day, Rupesh was asking his dad for the college fees. Raghu spent lot of money for Rajesh's studies and both Raghu and Radha were not earning a lot of money. Rajesh over heard their conversation. 

After both Raghu and Radha went for work. Rajesh walked to Rupesh. 

Rupesh, is there any problem?  Asked Rajesh with a smile 

It's the college fees brother, said Rupesh with respect 

How much is it? Asked Rajesh 

120000, said Rupesh 

Here take this card and pay your fees, said Rajesh 

Rupesh was surprised and hesitated

Take it. You can take your brother's money, said Rajesh 

Rupesh took it and smiled at Rajesh. 

But where you get this much money? Asked Rupesh 

Rajesh told him everything about his salary, the company and permanent work from home. 

Both Rajesh and Rupesh had a very good conversation. 

Rupesh left happily. He never had a good conversation with his brother till now. 

Soon Rupesh left for college. 

At night, while having dinner. 

Rupesh, I have arranged the money. Take it tomorrow and pay the fees, said Raghu

Oh, I forgot to tell dad. Brother already paid my fees, said Rupesh 

Both Raghu and Radha were surprised. 

He did? Asked Radha

Yes mom, said Rupesh 

Rupesh told them everything about Rajesh's work and his earnings. 

Raghu and Radha felt very happy. Rajesh has changed a lot now. His is not the same trouble some kid now. 

They next day, After work Radha went for shopping, she was alone. When she entered a accessories shop. She noticed Rajesh in the shop as well. 

She went inside and stood beside Rajesh. He noticed and just gave a smile to her. Just then the sales girls said sorry, we don't have any scrunchies available now. Rajesh was very disappointed. 

I have lot of new once at home, you can have them, said Radha 

Rajesh nodded his head. 

Then he started to look for barrettes, hair claw and hair pins. Radha noticed it and started to help him. After both of them done their shopping. They went home. 

Rajesh went to his room and Radha went to hers. Radha immediately picked few good scrunchies and went to Rajesh's room. 

She gave them to Rajesh. 

If you need anything else, you can take it from my room. You no need to ask me, said Radha and left. 

At the time of dinner, Radha decided to ask Rajesh to join them as well. When she entered the room. Rajesh just then started to braid his hair.  Radha was watching him braid his hair. 

She was surprised how well he is braiding his hair. After he completed braiding his hair, Rajesh noticed Radha is in the room. 

Radha asked him to join them for dinner. Rajesh is happy to join them. So he went along with Radha. They had a quiet dinner. 

Next day, Rajesh got ready and went down to have breakfast. Radha was in a hurry and she is yet to get ready for work. She was making dosa for both Raghu and Rupesh. 

Mom, you can get ready for work. I will make dosa for them, said Rajesh 

Radha was surprised by his words. 

She moved aside and watched Rajesh make perfect dosa. She felt happy and left. Rajesh made enough dosa for both Raghu and Rupesh. He even packed their lunch boxes as well. 

When Radha came back, She had some dosa as well. She felt very happy. When placing the plate in the sink, Radha thought she has lot of work to do in the evening. 

Once they all left, Rajesh had breakfast and started his work. He took some time in between and cleaned all the dishes and cleaned the house. 

At night, he noticed Radha haven't arrived home yet. Rajesh thought, since it's for exams, she might be spending little more time at school. So Rajesh decided to make them dinner. 

He took something some time and cooked vegetable rice for them. 

When Radha came home along with Raghu and Rupesh. She was in a hurry to cook the food. 

When she saw the dishes on the dinning table, she was surprised and walked towards it. She opened it and smelled delicious food. Both Raghu and Rupesh also liked the smell. 

All of them had dinner together and they loved the food. Since then Rajesh started to help Radha in house works. 

On Sunday, early in the morning Rajesh  wanted to apply oil to his hair but his oil bottle is empty. So he went to Radha's room and asked for oil. 

Come and sit here. I will apply oil for your hair, said Radha

So Rajesh sat before Radha and she slowly undid his hair. Radha was really excited. She brushed his hair, applied oil to his hair, massaged his head. She brushed his hair for a long time. Then she middle parted his hair and started braiding it. Radha was too happy. She braided it and added a scrunchie at the end. 

Radha kissed in his forehead. 

You have beautiful hair, don't ever cut it, said Radha 

Rajesh smiled and said OK. 

Since that day, every now and then, Radha started to braid his hair. Rajesh actively involved in household chores. 

One fine day, when Radha was brushing his hair. 

Mom, I am fed up with long hair. I will cut it into boy cut, said Rajesh to see the reaction of Radha

Radha immediately pulled his hair hard. 

Ouch, mom. I was joking, said Rajesh with a smile 

Both Rajesh and Radha started laughing. 

So mom you don't mind me having long hair and doing household chores like a girl, asked Rajesh 

Of course not , I don't mind it. Believe it or not, I even wanted ask you to wear women cloths at home, said Radha 

She really wanted it. She considers Rajesh as her daughter rather a son. 

On Diwali, early in the morning, Radha is ready but Rajesh haven't left his room yet. 

As she was working in the kitchen, she heard sound of anklets. When Radha turned around to see who that is. Radha was shocked and she closed her mouth with her hand. In front of her stood, Rajesh dressed in a saree. Radha looked him top to bottom. He has little make up and a bindi on his forehead. Dangling earring to his ears, a necklace around his neck, bangles to his hands, anklets to his legs. 

Radha stood like a stone. 

Mom, if you don't like it. I will change right away, said Rajesh and turned around. 

OH no no, don't change, said Radha who is in almost tears. 

She hugged him tightly. 

I always wanted a daughter, now I got one and a beautiful one as well, said Radha

Radha immediately opened the refrigerator and took lot of Jasmin flowers. 

Turn around sweetie, she said 

Once he did, she pinned then in his hair. 

Now you look even more beautiful, said Radha

When Raghu and Rupesh came to kitchen. They were confused to see two women in the kitchen. When they realized it's Rajesh. They were shocked and surprised. Raghu didn't mind it. He is happy to have a daughter. 

When they were setting the things ready for a puja. Rupesh walked towards Rajesh. 

I can call you sister right? Asked Rupesh 

Rajesh smiled and nodded his head. 

When it's time for puja, Radha asked Rajesh to start it. Radha observed all along and she was very impressed the way Rajesh carried himself. 

Rajesh spent the entire day without any trouble in the saree. 

Next day onwards, Rajesh started to dress in his boy clothes. 

On Sunday both Radha and Rajesh went shopping. They picked few sarees and had some fun. 

Mom, I need few T-shirts and night pants to wear at night, said Rajesh 

No need of any more pants than you got. You can start wearing nightie at home and you should reduce dressing up as a boy at home, I don't want my daughter to be a tomboy,  said Radha angrily 

Rajesh smiled at his mom and said OK. 

They continued shopping and bought nightie, chudidhar's, few skirts and tops. 

At night, Rajesh thought about his room owner, when he is engineering. The owner is a single women. When Rajesh had a fight with her and talked bad about her. She beat him and slowly turned him into a obedient women. She forbidden him to have a hair cut, taught him household chores and taught him how to be a women. Rajesh started value his life and his family. He started to like being a woman as well. By the end of 4th year, Rajesh became a daughter to her and he loved being her daughter. 

Now Rajesh slowly started to wear women's clothes at home. Now he doesn't have any male in his wardrobe. 

He is happy being a woman at home. Femininity brought him closer to his family and he is happy to embrace it. 


  1. A lot changed from 2nd year to 3rd year - 3, complete this story please

    1. Plzz add more parts of this story

  2. Kindly let us know when u will post nxt story any approx date plzz mentioned

  3. Good story please carry on same like this stories

  4. really like the way you focus on long hair . Big fan of long hair crossdressing stories


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