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Short story

 Raghu just returned home from the office. He recently joined a new company. 

As he sat on the sofa tired, his wife Vani came to him. She opened the clothe he was wearing on his head and came down long lucious hair. It's till his butt. 

Vani started to massage his head and started to brush his hair. 

Raghu, I think instead of work stress, you are too stressed about hiding your hair, said Vani

Can I cut it a little? Requested Raghu

Vani got very angry very quickly. 

Aunt, listen your son wants to cut his hair, shouted Vani

Radha immediately came out storming. 

As Raghu saw his mom. 

Mom, it's just a joke, he said immediately

Vani, who was braiding his hair smiled at his reaction. 

Next day as usual as any other day, Vani neatly braided his hair but unlike before, Vani didn't cover his hair in the clothe. 

Vani cover my hair quickly, it's getting late for office, said Raghu

Raghu, from now on don't cover your hair to office, said Vani

No, Vani. Everyone will tease me, said Raghu

Raghu, you told me you are working at client location and all the employees are women. Trust me women don't tease you, assured Vani

I don't understand why are you so scared. You even wore a saree on my baby shower and on your sister's marriage as well. Most of your friends also seen you saree, said Vani

Raghu sat silently. It's all true but it's not what he wanted, situations made him do it. 

Don't worry nothing bad will happen, assured Vani

Raghu reached office and slowly started to walk in. He was very nervous. Most of the employees are already came. While they greeting Raghu, they noticed Raghu is not wearing the head clothe. 

Raghu also greeted them awkwardly. As he walked past them, the ladies noticed his long hair. Few were stunned and others were surprised. 

By afternoon everyone in the office got to know about his long hair. 

Raghu knew at lunch ladies going to ask a lot of questions. He took the lunch bag and started to walk towards the ladies, who are waiting for him. 

Raghu, don't be embarrassed. We are just surprised to see your long hair, said a employee. 

As they sat to eat, the ladies fired the questions at him. Raghu knows he has to tell them at least few things. 

So Raghu started, 

"It was 7 years ago. Raghu and Vani were unable to have children. So they tried all the doctors and finally by the suggestion of his mother in law, they met a priest. Raghu and Vani explained him everything. The priest suggested, there is a curse on Raghu and to stop it Raghu as to stop cutting his hair till the delivery of the baby, said the priest"

You already have kids right. Then why didn't you cut your hair, asked a lady

After the delivery of the bady. My mom, my sister and my wife didn't allow me to cut the hair. Here you can all see it's been 7 years, said Raghu

The ladies smiled at Raghu. 

I am sure either your mom or wife would have dressed you in a saree, asked a lady

Raghu, didn't except it and he was surprised and embarrassed. It's was enough for the women to know the answer. And they all smiled. 

Can you please show us few pics, asked the ladies

With no choice. He showed pictures of him in his sister's wedding. 

The ladies were surprised to see Raghu so much beautiful. If Raghu haven't pointed where he was standing in the pic, they wouldn't have guessed him. 

After that nervous day, Raghu never had any trouble in the office but he noticed the way they treated him. They are treating him like a women. It's normal for him actually. 

It's been few more months and the ladies some times wanted give him flowers but they all thought it might be embarrassing for Raghu. 

On women's day, Raghu as usual he came out after the bath. But today instead of shirt and pant, he was noticed a silk saree on the bed. He immediately thought no. 

Vani, I am not wearing saree to office, said Raghu

Vani came to the room and convinced him saying your colleagues will get even closure to you. Just wear it till afternoon. I have placed shirt and pant in the bag, you can change it in the afternoon, said Vani

Raghu was not convinced buy Vani already put his arms in the blouse and hooked it. Even though Raghu was whining Vani continued her work and got him office ready in no time. 

Raghu went to work little late but when he entered the office everyone came to him and prised his beautiful. 

Raghu we are really embarrassed of ourselves, we women don't look as good a you, said lady and everyone nodded in agreement. 

The ladies noticed how well Raghu was handling the saree. They are very sure, apart from office, Raghu always wears sarees. 

In the evening while leaving

Raghu, today I noticed how well you have managed your saree. If you are more comfortable in sarees rather than pants. You are always welcome to office in a sarees, said a lady and left. 

Raghu knew he was comfortable in sarees than in pants. When he wears pants, he felts like few things are missing from him. It's not he likes to wear sarees. 

For the last 7 years he did work from home. His wife and his mom only allowed him to wear sarees. He tried to convince them a lot but he never could. 

Until 5 months ago while joining the current company he actually bought few pants and felt very different while wearing it but he was happy, people started call him sir instead of madam. 

Next day while getting ready he opened his wardrobe and looked at his pant and shirt. He knows they will be uncomfortable, so he took out a saree and wore. 

While having breakfast Vani and Radha smiled at each other. They knows once a person truly gets addicted to sarees, they won't wear anything other than that. 

After Raghu went to office Vani throw out his pant and shirts, no one in the home wears ugly clothes. 

Since then Raghu started to go to office in sarees. 


  1. When is the next part

    1. There is no next part. It's just a short story

  2. a lot changed from 2nd year to 3rd year part 4 please anjali sis

  3. Unexpected one but great one 🥰🥰
    But I need more stories and forced wear jasmine flowers too

  4. Pls write the cream story

  5. A lot changed from 2nd year to 3rd year - 3, madam please complete this story, we are all connected this story please please

  6. Anjali sis, please write more stories..

  7. Very nice story you write same like this story

  8. Your Have excellent skills in writing stories … All we mesmerize with you story lines please continue few more parts or other stories it’s my Humble request

  9. Your stories so, good please write monthly once

  10. We are waiting for new stories please continue

  11. Tha story is very nice I'm waiting for next story


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