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A way to strengthen the relationship

Ramya was on tears. It's not anything new for her. Her husband RadhaKrishna is always been an aggressive and short tempered one. Because of that he had hurt Ramya multiple times before and today is no different. 

After a while RadhaKrishna went to his wife and apologized. 
I don't think, it's working out between us, said Ramya with tears. 
Even though RadhaKrishna is short tempered and hurt Ramya multiple times, he really loves. He was stunned by Ramya's words. 

Please Ramya,  give me a chance, requested RadhaKrishna. 
I have given you multiple chances and you hurt me every time, said Ramya. 

Please, I will do what ever you want. Please don't leave me, begged RadhaKrishna 
Give me some time to think, said Ramya 

RadhaKrishna left the room on the verge of tears. 

Ramya and RadhaKrishna has been married for 2 years and as far as Ramya can remember they have always been fighting. They never really went out together and had some fun. 

Next day early in the morning Ramya walked to RadhaKrishna, who was sitting on the sofa. He was very worried. He saw Ramya. Before he can say anything, Ramya started to speak. 

Radha, I never liked your temper and aggression. It is killing our marriage and hurting both of us. I think reason for you aggression is your macho. I have a solution to solve our problems but I need your full co-operation for that, said Ramya 

I will do anything for you, said RadhaKrishna. 

Will see. Starting with, whenever you are at you will wear only female clothes and I will treat you as a woman. You should accept it a and behave as a women as well, said Ramya 

RadhaKrishna was shocked. He never expected this. He got angry but he controlled his anger. 

Ramya, you are asking too much. I am man, how can I wear women clothes and behave as one, said RadhaKrishna 

Radha, it's my solution for our marriage. If you don't  accept it. Consider it as an end to our marriage, said Ramya seriously. 

RadhaKrishna was stuck. He really loves his wife. Since he is going to wear women clothes only at home. He agreed to try her solution. 

Ramya was over joyed by his decision. 
I am so happy that you agreed to do this for our marriage, said Ramya 

It was Sunday, in the evening Ramya went shopping, while RadhaKrishna was at home watching TV. 

After a while, he saw Ramya was carrying few bags with her, when she reached home. 
They had nice diner and they went to their room. 

RadhaKrishna removed his clothes and was about to wear a short and a T-shirt but Ramya stopped him. 

Radha, do you remember. You were always telling me, my nighties are really soft and smooth. So I decided, we can start your journey to womanhood with a silk nighty, said Ramya and pulled out a silk nighty from the bag. 

RadhaKrishna doesn't want to wear it but when Ramya walked to him with a nighty in her. He raised his hands and she slides the nighty through his arms and the hem of the nighty reached his ankles. 

I was worried this nighty won't fit you but it fitted you perfectly, said Ramya 

OK. From today onwards at night you will wear only nighties, said Ramya and he just nodded his head. 

Ramya also wore a nighty and they both went to sleep. RadhaKrishna was feeling the nighty. It was so smooth and soft, he thought to himself. 

Same thing continued for few weeks. Every day at night he will wear a nighty. 

One fine day, he just came out of the bath room and was about to get ready. He noticed Ramya was waiting for him. 

Radha, I am really happy that you are wearing nighties without any complaints. I thought it is necessary for you wear something feminine for work as well, said Ramya. 

Please Ramya, I can't wear female things to work. Everyone will laugh at me, said RadhaKrishna 

You don't have to worry. No one will see these things,  said Ramya and took out a bra and panty set. RadhaKrishna was stunned. 

You can wear this bra under your shirt and no one will know, said Ramya 
RadhaKrishna was still thinking about it but Ramya walked to him with bra and he allowed her to hook it behind his back. 

Wear the panties now. In the evening I will teach you, how to hook YOUR bras, said Ramya and left. 
He wore the panties and then he got ready for work. 

The entire day, he was feeling uncomfortable with the bar straps, it was really weird for him. 

In the evening when he reached home, he told Ramya about it and she told him he will get used to it soon. 

At night, she taught him how to hook a bra and he practiced several times before going to sleep. 

One day, while getting ready, he noticed Ramya hasn't picked out his clothes yet. So he took out a black bra and wore a white shirt along with it. 
When he walked out to kitchen to see Ramya. She shouted at him. 
Radha what are you doing? You bra is clearly visible, said Ramya 

She took him to a mirror. When he looked himself in the mirror, he was stunned. His black bra was completely visible thought his thin white shirt. He quickly changed his clothes. 

Radha, I am sorry. I shouted at you. It's all new for you. Think yourself as a women, spend some time looking in the mirror, make sure everything is OK, said Ramya and he just nodded his head. 

As day gone by, he got used to the bra and Ramya thought to add few accessories to him. 

In the evening when he reached home, he couldn't find Ramya. He changed into a nighty and was watching TV. Just then Ramya walked in with few bags. 

She placed the bag on the sofa. 
Look what I bought for you, said Ramya and took out bangles from the bag. RadhaKrishna was stunned. He doesn't want to wear them. 

Show me your hand, asked Ramya 
He hesitated a little and she asked him again, to show his hands. When he did. She put a dozen bangles to each of his hands. 
He thought it's done but she took out a pair of silver anklets from the bag. 
She asked him to keep his legs on the sofa and she fixed the anklets to his legs. 

Even though he was wearing a nighty for the past few months, he felt so girly today because of bangles and anklets. 
Whenever he moved his hand and legs, they are making a lot of sound. 

It took some time for him to get used to bangles and anklets. Just like wearing matching bras to nighties, he started to wear matching bangles as well. 

One day when he came from work, Ramya told him that they have some shopping to do .
Ramya bought few more bangles and bindi packets as well. On the way, she stopped the car near a piercing shop. Without knowing it, he followed her inside. 
When Ramya told a beautician to pierce his ears, he realized why they are here. 

He quietly whispered to Ramya that he doesn't want piercings but she didn't listen and made him sit on the chair. In a moment his both ears are pierced. He was angry on Ramya. 
While going home, 
Why do I need ear piercings? Said RadhaKrishna 
It time for you to wear earrings and bindi, so you need piercings, said Ramya calmly. 

After reaching home, he changed into a nighty and wore bangles and anklets. Then Ramya took a bindi and place between his eye brows.
From now onwards, bindi and earrings also part of your dressing, said Ramya 

He was getting irritated because of all these. It's been months since they had sex, thought RadhaKrishna. 

After a week, his piercings are heeled and Ramya wanted to put earrings to RadhaKrishna. 
In the afternoon, Ramya went to RadhaKrishna with jhumkas. He knows he has no choice but to wear them. He was also annoyed by all of these. 

We should have pierced your nose as well, teased Ramya a little. 
RadhaKrishna who was already on the verge of breaking out, scolded Ramya. 
What are you thinking? Do I look a stupid woman to you? I am man, shouted RadhaKrishna 

Ramya who was happy till now with his progress, couldn't believe what she was hearing. She ran to her immediately and started crying. RadhaKrishna couldn't believe, what he has done. 
He followed Ramya but she already closed the door and refused to open it. 

He was sure this is the end of their marriage. He has to do something to prove Ramya that he is trying his best to stay married to her. 

He begged her a lot but she didn't respond. 

In the evening, Ramya woke up after she slept crying. She opened the door to tell RadhaKrishna their marriage is over. 

She saw RadhaKrishna on the sofa, he is still in a nighty. She sat beside him. She looked at his face and gasped. 
Is that? Asked Ramya. 
Yes, I got a nose piecing to prove you that I am very serious about our marriage, said RadhaKrishna with tears in his eyes. 

Ramya couldn't believe her eyes. For the first time she saw him crying and it's for her. He immediately hugged her. 
Ramya felt little guilty. May be she should  have taken it slowly instead rushing him into womanhood. 

Ramya looked at his piercing and smiled to herself, for he has done for her. 

They very next day he was worried going to work with a piercing. Ramya understood it.

RadhaKrishna, don't worry. You work in a small primary government school. As far as I know, not even 50 kids are there in the school and has only 2 teaches including you and another person in a women , said Ramya 

RadhaKrishna has to agree with Ramya, no one will talk about his appearance in the school.

I have a request. I know you will be free most of the time in the school. I have observed the way you are wearing bangles. You are just wearing it as a formality. You are not trying to make it look beautiful. So in free time in the YouTube you will finds some videos regarding different styles to wear bangles. See them may be you might like to wear in different style, said Ramya with care. 

RadhaKrishna agreed he will try. 

He did forget about it but after few days in the school, he saw the bangles of the lady teacher. She was wearing 2 colors of bangles. It perfectly matched with her saree, he thought. 

When he reached home. He got changed into blue nighty with yellow flowers and he quickly wore earrings, bindi and anklets. When he took blue bangles to wear them, he saw yellow bangles as well. So he decided mix and wear them to match his nighty. 

He went to kitchen to help Ramya and she noticed the way he was wearing the bangles and felt happy about it. 

After few more day, when was about to change change his clothes. Ramya took 6 golden bangles from her cupboard and gave it RadhaKrishna with a smile. 
So he mixed the golden bangles and glass bangles to wear. 

After few days on Sunday he was all ready in fresh nighty. Just then Ramya sat next to him. 

Radha you need wear a nose stub at least occasionally, otherwise the hole will be filled, said Ramya and started to help him wear a nose stub. 
A small nose stub changed the way he looks now. 

After a while he walked to a mirror and saw his face. He is looking looking so feminine, thought RadhaKrishna. 

He didn't cut his hair all these time so his hair is till his shoulders now. 

After few more weeks, one fine day, Ramya handed him a blouse to try. 
He was scared Ramya is going to dress him in the saree but no. He wore it and she got to know where it's tight and all. 

On fine morning, 
RadhaKrishna, I have altered few of my blouses for you. Are you ready to wear a saree? Asked Ramya 
He doesn't want to wear it, so he said no. 
Ramya just smiled. 
Let me know if you are ready wear a saree, said Ramya lovingly. 

As his hair is growing long, Ramya bought  him a hair band. RadhaKrishna decided to wear it, since he saw many people wear it. 

After few months get used to the way he is dressed. He knows Ramya wanted to see him in the saree. He also thought it's time. 

He knows Ramya really likes Diwali and she does shopping before the festival. 

As Ramya was watching TV. He walked to her. 

Ramya, have you done Diwali shopping? Asked RadhaKrishna 
No, Radha. I have to start today or tomorrow. I still need to buy a saree and stitch blouse as well, said Ramya 

Why are you asking about it now? Asked Ramya

He was silent for a while then. 

I am ready to wear a saree now. I thought may be you can buy a saree for me as well,  said  RadhaKrishna with embarrassment. 

Ramya face lit up after listing to him. 
Of course, I will buy a saree for you, said Ramya happily. 
She still can't believe her husband is asking her for a saree. 

When she went for shopping, she spent lot of time and money to buy a beautiful silk saree. Then she went to the tailor and picked a beautiful design for his blouse. 

On the day of Diwali, early in the morning, Ramya asked him to shave all his body hair. 

He neatly shaved all his body hair and took a bath. 
Once he came out, he wore a bra and Ramya stuffed it with some small clothes. 
Then he wore the blouse and petticoat 

Ramya smiled when she saw her husband just in a blouse and a petticoat. RadhaKrishna was little embarrassed. 

Ramya took the silk saree and started to drape it. She made sure the length of the pallu is good and pinned it on his left shoulder. Then she neatly made the pleats and tucked them into his petticoat. She made sure to drape it perfectly and pinned the saree using safety pins. Then she walked him to the dressing table and started to do his hair. 

His hair has crossed his shoulders, so she middle parted it and made a bun. Then she did his make up and took some jewelry from her cupboard. 

She fixed a hair armament to his bun, followed by a necklace around his neck. His hands are filled with lot of bangles, anklets to his legs,  big jhumkas to his ears and a perfect nose stub to his nose. 

She placed bindi on his forehead, then she took jasmin flowers and decorated around his hair bun. 

He stood up and looked himself in the mirror . He was looking beautiful. 

Welcome to womanhood, said Ramya and gave him a hug. He was feeling so shy. 

Why are you feeling so shy? It's just us girls here , teased Ramya. 

I have some work in kitchen. Look yourself properly in the mirror and come out, said Ramya and left. 

As she left, he just starred in the mirror. Ramya draped the saree really well, he thought himself. 

After a while he left the room and went to kitchen. 

Radha today don't do any household chores. Today just get used to the saree, said Ramya 

Then she took him to the sofa. 

Radha when you sit, wipe your back, take your pallu and place it on your lap, said Ramya
He did the same thing and sat on the sofa. 

She kissed him on his cheeks. 

You are looking so cute and beautiful, said Ramya 

After a while Ramya also dressed in the saree. Then they both did the prayer together. 

In the afternoon, Ramya told him how to handle the saree and all the things he needs to know. 

In the evening he asked Ramya to help him to remove the saree. 

Radha wear it till night. At night I will undress you completely by myself, said Ramya with a smile. 
For some reason he started to blush. 

At night she pinned fresh flowers in his hair and took him to bedroom. He was feeling very girly and shy. 

Ramya closed the door and started to kiss him. Slowly both were naked and they had wonderful sex. 

Next day when he woke up, his hair was all messy. He felt shy while remembering about last night. 

He has little more flesh on his chest and Ramya, pressed it, sucked it and played with it. 

After a bath, he got ready for work. He went to kitchen and smiled at Ramya. 

I am sorry if I hurt your chest yesterday, said Ramya with a smile. 
RadhaKrishna blushed and didn't respond. 

In the evening, before can change into a nighty. Radha told him he will be wearing a saree every day in the evening. 

Since then everyday he wore a saree. Ramya taught him how to drape a saree and handled it as well. 

3 months are over,
Now he can get ready in a saree on his own. For the first few weeks, he felt shy when he was with Ramya in a saree. Later they both got used to it. 

One fine day, 
At night 
Radha, can we both go out and have fun tomorrow? Asked Ramya
Of course, said Radha
Both of us in sarees, asked Ramya
I don't know. I am not yet ready, said Radha 
OK, take your time, said Ramya

Next day, Ramya was all ready before RadhaKrishna. She was in kitchen preparing breakfast. After the breakfast they planned to go out. Just then she heard sound of anklets. She turned around and saw Radha standing before her all ready in a saree. 

Ramya understood his decision. 

Radha, you don't have worry. I will be there with you, assured Ramya

After breakfast, Ramya went inside and brought 2 handbags. Ramya placed his phone, wallet in a handbag and gave it to him. 
He put the handbag just like Ramya. 

Ready to go? Asked Ramya 
He took a deep breath and said lets go. 

Ramya drove the car while he sat beside her. 
They reached the mall and the both women went to ladies section. 
Ramya asked the sales girl to show few sarees for them. 
The sales girl showed lot of sarees. Ramya placed few sarees on his shoulder as well to see how they will look on him. Slowly he started to open up, he also gave his opinions on sarees. Ramya left happy. She doesn't have any girlfriends here, now she has Radha. 
After selecting 10 sarees. Ramya asked the sales girl to show ready made blouses for Radha. Ramya took few blouses and took Radha to the trial room. 

Do I really need these blouses? Asked RadhaKrishna 
Of course, if you have proper blouse. We can share our sarees, said Ramya
After trying few blouses, they get correct fit for Radha. 
In the same size they bought 10 blouses and Ramya also bought 10 petticoats. 
After paying the bill, they placed all the bags in the car and went to a multiplex. 

It's already afternoon, so they were having lunch. 
While having lunch, Ramya was smiling to herself. 
What happen? Asked Radha 
The guy beside us can't stop glancing at you, said Ramya 
Radha felt shy. 
Don't worry, it's common for the beautiful women like us, said Ramya
After lunch, they both went to ladies restroom. Radha was little hesitant to go in but Ramya pulled him in. 
Ramya helped him to touch up his make up. Radha looked in the mirror to check whether the saree is in proper place or not. Once they made sure everything is good. The two ladies walked out of the restroom. 
Then they went to a movie. 
In the interval, 
Till now the movie is good, said Radha. 
It is good. Did you see her blouse? Asked Ramya
With embarrassment, he nodded his head. 
Radha don't be embarrassed. You are a women too. This is how we woman speak, said Ramya and told him he can say anything he wants to her. 

After the movie was over, they again went to shopping. This time for accessories and stuff. 
They went a shop and Ramya asked them to show the bangles for both of them. Along with Ramya, RadhaKrishna also tried the bangles. He was feeling little shy. Finally they both bought lot of bangles. 
After bangles, Ramya bought few bindi packets and nail Polish. 
When Ramya looked at Radha, he was looking at some earrings. 
She wanted him to ask her by himself. So she waited.. When she was about to pay the bill. 

Ramya, can we look at those earrings, said Radha with hesitation. 
Of course, said Ramya with a smile. 
They both tried few earrings and bought few of them. 
On the way home, they ordered food and took it home. They both were tired, they had food then, they both changed into their nighties.

Ramya pulled him closer and gave him a deep kiss. 
I never had this much fun with you till now, said Ramya 

Radha gave a smile. 
We have to do this regularly. How about we go to beauty parlor next week? Asked Ramya 
Of course, we can go. After all that's what WE WOMEN  do, responded Radha and kissed Ramya. 


  1. Please complete old stories

  2. Good story girl ....

  3. Pls complete old stories i m waiting

  4. Please add some more stories with images. Thanks again

  5. Very nice story, radhakrishnana very lucky

  6. Femine loo knee length hair undey stories rayamani request chesthunnna mma

  7. Any update Anjali ? I feel so dipressed without your stories

  8. Happy Diwali. Please start a new story we all are waiting. Plz


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