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Rajesh is on his knees begging his wife, Neha to forgive him. He cheated on her again. 

Neha is not ready to forgive him this time. He is in tears. She didn't say anything. She silently went to her room. For the next few days, she didn't speak to him. 

One day at night, 

They both sat on the sofa to talk. Rajesh was hoping Neha to forgive him. Suddenly Neha placed a bottle of pills before him. 

"These are female hormones. If you want me to forgive, you will continue to take them", said Neha. Rajesh was confused. 

" Once you start taking them, in 2 years your skin will become smooth, you will loose your muscle and you would start to grow breasts. So after that you will start to dress according to body structure. You will start to wear only female clothes. It's not something you can hid, so you will tell my parents and your parents that you always wanted to be a woman and i am supporting you", said Neha

Rajesh was stunned. 

"I will give you 3 days time to think", said Neha and walked into her bedroom. 

After 3 days, Rajesh agreed to Neha's terms and  immediately took the pills in front of Neha. 

Slowly both Rajesh and Neha started be normal but Rajesh continued to take the pills and Neha started to treat him as a woman. She started to teach him how to act and move as a woman. 

The only reason Rajesh agreed to take the pills is, he thought Neha would forgive him and ask him stop taking the pills but instead she started to teach him how to behave as a woman. 

After 3 months, he started to see the changes in his body and it scared him. He lost lot of muscle and his body hair stopped growing. 

After 2 more months, his chest started to turn into breasts. He was scared. He was hoping it is reversible. By Neha's insistence he started to grow his hair as well and at night he started to wear nighties. 

After 2 more months, his breasts grow bigger and it needed support. He hesitated to say that to Neha but after few weeks Neha noticed his new breasts and took him shopping for his first bra. 

At night tears rolled down his eyes, not just he is wearing a bra, now he can't even get hard. 

Neha started to dress him up only in female clothes at home. 

He requested Neha, he wanted to quit the job. Neha also agreed but he has to start doing household chores. 

After 5 more months, 

Rajesh started to wear female clothes 24/7 . His breast developed really well. And he was doing all the household chores. 

Rajesh thought He should quite and divorce Neha otherwise she would really turn him to a woman. He thought it's would take 2 years for the pills to have any affect on his body but he was all wrong. 

One fine day, 

Early in the morning Neha woke him and asked him to take a bath. Once he did. Neha neatly dressed him a silk saree and he wore many jewelry as well. After doing his hair, he pinned lot of flowers in his hair. 

He wanted to tell Neha, he doesn't want to continue to live as a woman.

He doesn't understand why Neha is spending so much time to get him ready. 

As he stood up, Neha walked him out and he was stunned by what he saw. His parents , Neha's parents and all his friends are here. 

Before he can say anything, his mom and his mother in law hugged him. 

"Rajesh, we fully support your decision. We are proud that you finally want to be  true you", said his mom

He couldn't control his tears, he started crying but everyone mistook it. Everyone congratulated him for his bravery. He started act like he was happy. 

By evening all his friends left, it's just his parents and his in laws. 

His mom sat beside and took his bangles hand. 

"Neha told us about your decision 5 months ago. At first I was surprised but later me and your dad accepted it. You know I have already bought around 50 sarees for you", said his mom happily

" You are looking so beautiful ", said his mother in law. 

" Neha already packed all your bags and today we are going home ", said his mom

Rajesh was confused. He didn't understand anything. 

"Oh, common sign these ", said his mom

"What are these? ", asked Rajesh

"To legally change your name to Lakshmi", said his mom

He was stunned. He was surrounded by everyone, so he signed them all. He was confused why there are so many papers. 

" You are really good person Lakshmi. For expressing everything to Neha and divorce her, so she can find her happiness ", said his mother in law. 

Rajesh was stunned. Did he just signed the divorce papers? 

At night just before he was leaving. He took Neha into a seperate room. 

" You betrayed me ", said Rajesh and tears rolled down his eyes. Lately he has became very emotional. 

" You betrayed me many times. Now you have live with the consequences ", said Neha

" Wipe your tears. You are spoiling your make up ", said Neha and wiped his tears and walked him out. 

" I don't know how many times she has thanked me "said Neha with a laugh

" Even, I have to thank you for giving me a daughter ", said his mom. With her arm around his shoulder she walked him out. 


After 1 year. 

"Neha look who is here! ", said Neha's mom. 

Neha looked around and saw Rajesh and his mom. Rajesh has become even more femenine. He is even wearing a nose stub. 

" Thank you for both of you for coming to my wedding ", said Neha. 

Rajesh is getting angry but he couldn't do anything. 

" I hope Lakshmi gets her final surgery and marry a man like she always wanted ", said Neha looking at Rajesh. 

Rajesh was stunned listening to it. 

"She never tells me these things", said his mom. 


After 1 more year

" Lakshmi, I am so happy for you", said Neha

Rajesh turned around to see Neha and her mom. 

Neha requested everyone to leave Neha and Rajesh for 5 min. Once they did. Neha looked at him from top to bottom

"Look at you, so beautiful. Soon going to be a housewife", teased Neha

Rajesh wanted to cry and he doesn't want to give the satisfaction to Neha. 

"I met your husband. He seems like a good guy. So be a good wife to him and good mom to his kids. Don't go around and get fucked by different men", said Neha

Rajesh is getting very angry. 

6 months ago because of his moms continues insistence he had his final surgery and now he is getting married to one of his widowed friend. His friend is good but Rajesh doesn't want to marry a a man but his mom didn't listen to his opinion. 

Here he is standing in a silk saree with all the jewelry and lots of flowers in his hair. 

Just then everyone walked in. 

Priest asking the bride to come, said one of the woman. 

All the ladies escorted Rajesh to the stage along with Neha. Rajesh was really embarrassed. 

He sat beside his future husband. After all the rituals. The priest handed the mangalsutra to the groom. Neha lifted Rajesh's braid and the groom tied the mangalsutra around his neck. Tear rolled down his eyes seeing mangalsutra hanging around his neck. 

He knows he is stuck now. He is a woman, he is a daughter, he is a wife and he is a mother as well. 


  1. Wow finally your back 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  2. please post all parts

  3. Please continue family tradition story pa am eagerly waiting

  4. Thank you so much. Anjali

  5. Welcome back Anjali. Please complete all the incomplete stories.

  6. This was best. Can you write in more detail same story.

  7. Happy for u back...we are waiting for ur stories


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