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Family tradition - 3

Sumanth got used to being called as Suma. Sumanth knows he has to getting Neha married quickly. 

He has already spoke to a marriage broker and within in a week, a family was willing to see Neha. Sumanth was thrilled. 

He didn't tell about it to anyone until the day before. As Sumanth feared Neha didn't agree to see the groom. 

Raghu was little angry on Sumanth and thought its a big deal when the he got to know the people coming to see Neha. They are verg rich and powerful family. 

Raghu was worried, if they come to their home and they couldn't even see the girl, they would be enraged, thought Raghu. 

He scolded Sumanth for the mess and asked him to fix it. 

Sumanth pleaded Neha but she didn't agree. 

At night Sumanth was worried. He thought they would cause some trouble for him.

As he was in deep thinking, he heard Anjali giggling. He looked at Anjali angrily and Radha is also angry on Anjali. 

It's not the situation to be laughing about. Why are you laughing? Asked Sumanth angrily

I thought since they haven't seen pictures of Neha. We can ask someone to sit in her place, said Anjali with a smile

Sumanth thought about it and said its actually a good idea. 

Who can it be? Asked Sumanth to Anjali

Neha said she won't sit. I am already married so I can't sit. So you have to sit, said Anjali with a smile. 

Listening to it Sumanth got angry. As he was arguing with Anjali. 

Its actually a good idea, said Radha to Sumanth. 

Before he can say anything about it. 

Its decided. You will sit in place of Neha tomorrow. You started this mess and you have to clean it, shouted Radha angrily on Sumanth. 

Sumanth was silent seeing his mom very angry.

At Sumanth couldn't sleep properly. He kept on thinking about it. 

Next day early in the morning his mom woke him up. He requested his mom to convince Neha but Radha didn't agree. 

Once he took the bath. Both Radha and Anjali started to get him ready. 

Once he wore the blouse and the petticoat, Radha neatly draped the silk saree on him. Then Anjali started to do his hair and make up. 

Then Radha put big jhunkas to his ears, combination of gold and glass bangles to his hands, a necklace around his neck and anklets to his legs completed the jewelry. 

Anjali placed a bindi between his eye brows and Radha took lot of flowers and pinned them in his hair. It was very heavy but Sumanth was scared to complain to his mom. 

Radha and Anjali couldn't believe how beautiful Sumanth turned out to be. 

Radha started to give few tips to Sumanth on how he should behave. 

Once Radha left the room. Sumanth looked at Anjali angrily. 

I can't believe my wife being so enthusiastic to get me ready for a man, said Sumanth angrily. 

Oh, stop being so dramatic. Its just a formality, said Anjali giggling. 

After 20 min, the door opened

Anjali, bring HER out, said Radha

As Sumanth stood angrily. Anjali pushed the flowers forward to rest on his shoulders. With her hands on his shoulders, Anjali walked him out and Radha handed him a tray containing coffee cups. 

Do as i told you before, said Radha

Till now Raghu thought Radha and others convinced Neha to sit before the groom's family but he was surprised to see his son serving coffee in a saree. 

Sumanth served them coffee and sat on the sofa like a lady with Anjali and Radha stood beside him. He was very nervous. Seeing it Anjali placed her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. 

He sat silently as the parents started to discuss few things. It scared Sumanth. Radha noticed it and asked Anjali to take Sumanth inside. Sumanth was relieved listening to it. 

As they both entered the room Sumanth locked the door. 

So do you like the groom? Asked Anjali with a smile

Sumanth looked at Anjali angrily. 

After 40 min, Radha entered the room with a big smile. 

Listening to the news Sumanth was shocked. 

Congrats, said Anjali and hugged him tightly. 

Sumanth was annoyed by Anjali. 

Aunty, we have start the shopping quickly. Being bride's family, we have lot of things to do, said Anjali with excitement. 

Listening to it, Sumanth was almost in tears. Anjali immediately stopped it. He hugged him tightly and said its all joke. He calmed down and asked Anjali to help him remove the saree and the jewelry. 

Suma, it takes time. I will help you to remove everything after breakfast, said Anjali and Sumanth too agreed. He is very hungry, he didn't eat well last night. 

Come Suma, said Radha and walked him out of the room. 

Sumanth didn't mind being called Suma ,as he got used to it. 

He sat on the dinning table to eat. Just then Neha walked out of her room. He was surprised to see Sumanth in a saree. 

The groom's family came here, they saw the bride, they liked the bride and they left as well. Now you are coming without any worry, said Radha with a smile. 

Anjali was controlling her laughter. Neha didn't understand what her mom said. She then looked Anjali and Anjali signalled Neha to look at Sumanth. Neha looked at Sumanth being so embarrassed. Then she realized, instead of her Sumanth sat before them in a saree. 

Neha burst into laughter. She ran to Sumanth and hugged from back. 

Congratulations, Suma, said Neha with a bright smile

Oh i have missed everything. I wish i had seen the groom, said Neha with disappointment. 

Immediately Anjali took her phone and showed the grooms picture to Neha. 

Neha was surprised to see a handsome and tall man. 

He is so perfect for you, shouted Neha

We are going say yes right? Asked Neha.

Of course, said Radha and Anjali. 

I think Suma also likes him that's why she is very silent, said Neha looking at Sumanth. 

I don't like this man, said Sumanth angrily. 

Don't worry. We will look for better man, said Neha with a smile. 

Sumanth got angry and stood up to leave. Radha stopped him, since he hasn't eat anything yet. Neha also stopped teasing him. 

Once he completed eating. He asked Anjali to help him remove everything but she said, she has some household chores to do. 

Sumanth was still angry on Neha. Radha noticed it. 

Suma don't take it seriously. Its how women tease each other. We considered you as one of the woman in the house, said Radha while kissing on his forehead. It's not what Sumanth wanted to hear but he was silent. 

They both sat on the sofa together and started to watch a serial. Slowly Sumanth calmed down. 


  1. Wow ! Wow ! Wow ! Anjali you are back with a bang 💥 super pa. Please continue soon waiting for part 4

  2. Thanks for continuing the story please end it in a good phase

  3. Loved this part. Please continue to writing. You are my favorite writer pls write next part

  4. PLEASE COMPLETE THE STORY IF POSSIBLE PLEASE WRITE NEXT PART FOR A lot changed from 2nd year to 3rd year - 3

  5. superb continuation ...eagerly waiting for the next part.

  6. Write next part soon Anjali!♥️


  8. Please complete this story anjali

  9. What happened next according to u girls, did sumanth hv to marry that groom as ramya hv to marry sonu in last story as that groom is rich n powerful so he force sumanth to marry .

  10. please complete this story it takes interesting mode now.

  11. Well this is my last message to everyone that my blog website[ZESTCROSSDRESSINGSTORIES] has been removed due to the community guidelines of Google and as one of the reader has reported an issue with my content and this made them to remove my blogging website.
    I am sure that I don't have the patience as well as the another emotional breakdown due to removal of my new blog so I am confirming that I am not going to start a new blog and get disappointed again.
    And while writing all those stories and hearing good reviews from the readers was such a blissful thing for me and a very big thanks for the readers for supporting my blog and that's it for my fellow crossdressers.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi ,I'm big fan of your writing. Small suggestion, Can you create Facebook page for your story publishing

    3. Why don’t you write on

  12. Please please please anjali complete this story now can't wait to hear reply from groom's family and coming twist n turn.please complete this story now

  13. Anjana CD Stories21 August 2024 at 04:39

    Really good story please keep writing
    Also please read stories written by me and I will be posting the next part very soon

  14. Hi anjali ,thanks for this part.Please complete this story.i regularly checking ur website to check what happened next as it's crazy to read ur story.really want to know what happened next like reply from groom's family,sumanth life and many more.If groom family likes neha aka sumanth then what wil be next do he need to marry that man as they are powerful n rich or anything twist happened like he reveal he is boy.this suspense is more exciting for me than bahubali 😂
    Please complete family tradition soon.
    Lot's of love n power to you sister ❤️😘

  15. Waiting for next part please 🥺

  16. Waiting fir the day when i see family traditions part so n so an family traditions the end ❤️❤️
    Please anjali complete that dream soon 😂😘😘


    1. Awesome story dear please complete it soon nice start hope ending will be awesome 😎

    2. Getting problem to comment there that's y replying u here u r awesome 😎

    3. U should complete this story as that's subject awesome 😎

  18. hi sisters, i am nivedita.. i have posted my first story here the name of the story is Kopam tagginchuko..Its a telugu story. Please read and let me know how you feel
    Waiting for your response :)

  19. Can you all post in English

    1. I have to creat the blog again! Can you plz suggest me any other options here.

    2. @vinu priya also add pictures

    3. Will try dear, i am very new yo this site. I was a writer in rajibalan before but compare to that page this is little easy and also learning it. You guys has to help me with it. And also support

    4. Are you vinu akila from rajibalan?

    5. Yes.. You read my stories?? How do you know?

    6. Omg
      I'm big fan of your stories


  21. started on mother's day கதையை எப்ப தான் டி முடிக்கப் போற அஞ்சலி. அந்த கதைக்கு சீக்கிரம் முற்றுப்புள்ளி வைடி.

  22. Vinu please post in English

    1. தமிழ் கத்துக்கோ இல்லனா படிக்காதே


  24. Please read my stories

  25. Anjana / Next story. No more journeys

  26. Please complete this story anju ❤️

    1. Nice stories please upload next part and try to upload next of started on mother's day story also


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