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By next Diwali

Kumari went to her new neighbors home with a box of sweets as a Diwali gift. 

As Kumari rang the door bell, Jaya opened the door and welcomed Kumari inside with a smile. 

As they were talking about few things, 

"I saw your daughter drawing a rangoli in the morning. You have raised her very well, the she handled her saree and drew the rangoli is very skillful", said Kumari praising Jaya's daughter. 

"Thank you but actually she is not daughter biologically. She is actually my son", said Jaya

Kumari laughed listening to it, thinking Jaya is joking, then Kumari realised Jaya is not saying it as a joke, she is serious. 

Jaya understood it's very difficult for Kumari to believe it. 

"See, during lock down for fun I dressed my son in my saree and he turned out to be very beautiful in the saree. So the entire lock down I insisted him to wear sarees, at first he was reluctant but slowly he got used to it", said Jaya with pride. 

Listening to it Kumari was surprised. 

"I wish I could do the same with my son", said Kumari with disappointment. 

"It's never too late. You can start now", said Jaya

"I wanted to do it. I always wanted a daughter but i dont think I can convince him", said Kumari. 

"I have seen your son. He would look good as girl", said Jaya. 

"I am still surprised on how you have managed to do it. Generally men don't wear woman clothes even for a joke", said Kumari. 

"Actually just like women, men also like compliments and pampering them but generally men don't receive that from anyone", said Jaya

"I agree ", said Kumari. 

"I have some instructions for you. If you follow them, I can guarantee you, BY NEXT DIWALI your son will be drawing a rangoli before your house in a silk saree", said Jaya confidently. 

Listening to it Kumari became anxious. They had a long chat and Jaya told everything Kumari needs to do.

Kumari went home with happiness, she believes she can do. She can finally have a daughter she always wanted. 

Few days passed and Kumari remembered Jaya's words, when the opportunity arises Kumari has to make good use of it. 

Kumari's son Sudhakar is just 22 year's old, he recently got a job and it's a work from home. 

Sudhakar has good volume of hair. If his hair grows longer, his would have a thick braid, thought Kumari. 

In the evening after the office hours Sudhakar was watching TV. Just then Kumari walked up to him with an oil bottle and a comb. Without saying a word, she sat beside him and started to apply oil to his hair. Sudhakar understood what his mom is doing. He turned around properly so his mom can massage his head. 

Sudhakar is lazy to go out and get a hair cut. So over the months his hair has grown longer. 

Kumari took her time and neatly oiled his hair. After massaging his head for a while she neatly brushed his hair. 

Since that day Kumari started to take care of his hair and whenever Kumari does his hair, she compliment his hair and started to encourage him to grow his hair longer. The compliments made Sudhakar feel good and he started to take good care of his hair as well. 

For the next few months nothing happened and Kumari was waiting for an opportunity. 

When India vs Newzealand test series started, Sudhakar was obsessed with it. When India lost the first match, Sudhakar was disappointed. Just then Kumari made a comment that India is going to loose the series but Sudhakar immediately defended India and challenged his mom that India is going to win the series. With that they made a bet. 

To Sudhakar's shock and Kumari's surprise India lost the test series. Kumari looked at Sudhakar with happiness. 

"You lost the bet", said Kumari with a bright smile. 

"Yeah, so what is my punishment? ", asked Sudhakar. 

Kumari started to go to her room. So many things were going in her head. It's the opportunity, she has been waiting for. As a punishment she wanted Sudhakar to wear something femenine. Immediately earrings, bangles and anklets came to her mind. 

She realised whatever the punishment is, she has to give it to him very quickly, since he is in sportive mood now. 

At first Kumari thought of earrings but she immediately realised it would be difficult for Sudhakar to handle big jhumkas and small stubs won't be too femenine. 

So then she thought about bangles but she immediately realised her bangles would be too tight for him. 

So she finally decided on anklets. She took a pair of silver anklets and started to walk out of the room. With her hands behind her back, she walked up to Sudhakar. Sudhakar doesn't know what his mom is hiding. 

"Keep your feet on the sofa and close your eyes", said Kumari with a mixture and happiness and excitement. 

Sudhakar with a smile and did like he was told. He was curious about his punishment. 

He felt Kumari doing something to his ankles and when Kumari asked him to open his eyes. 

He was stunned to see new silver anklets to his ankles. 

He looked at his mom with confusion and embarrassment. 

"It's your punishment", said Kumari with a bright smile. 

" But mom ", Sudhakar started whining. 

"No more buts. You have lost the bet and it's your punishment ", said kumari sternly

Sudhakar became silent. 

"So for how many hours I have to wear them? " Asked defeated Sudhakar. 

"Not hour's. For next 5 months you will be wear anklets", said Kumari sternly. She was trying to sound strict and dominant. 

" But mom, 5 months is too much ", said stunned Sudhakar. 

"A bet is a bet. Now turn around. I will do your hair", said Kumari trying to change the topic. 

Kumari started to massage his head with oil and Sudhakar felt good. 

Once she is done, Kumari went to her room with a bright smile. She felt proud. 

Sudhakar was just starring at the shining anklets. 

He moved his legs a little and the anklets started to make the sound. 

He stood up and started to walk towards his rooms. With each step he started to hear "cham cham cham cham" noise. He immediately started walking and started to take small step and still the he couldn't stop the noise. So he gave up and started to walk normally to his room while creating beautiful sound. 

For a week Sudhakar struggled with anklets and Kumari was happy to listen to the sound coming off his anklets. Kumari made sure, to make Sudhakar comfortable and not to tease him about the anklets. It made Sudhakar comfortable, not feeling embarrassed whenever he sees his mom. 

Kumari thought she couldn't spend much time with Sudhakar, since the entire day he is doing office work and remaining time he was either watching tv and sleeping. 

So the next day, Kumari scolded Sudhakar a little and asked him to help her with the household chores. 

Kumari started to teach little chores to Sudhakar. With that Kumari and Sudhakar started to spend lot more time together.

Sudhakar also felt little guilty for not helping his mom with few chores. 

One day in the evening Kumari came home after doing some shopping. Sudhakar was watching TV. Kumari sat beside him and started to try the bangles, she has bought. 

She wore the bangles and realised they were very loose to her. 

"These are too loose for me", said Kumari with disappointment. 

"Really? ", asked Sudhakar. 

"Yes, I think they might fit you", teased Kumari

"Bangles aren't made for my size ", said Sudhakar

Kumari immediately took the bangles and started to put them to Sudhakar's hands. He immediately pulled his hands back. 

"Just a minute", said Kumari and started to put the bangles to his hands. 

When Kumari is done, Sudhakar was wearing a dozen bangles to each of his hands.

The bangles were a perfect fit to Sudhakar which surprised them. 

"Ok, please remove them", asked Sudhakar

Kumari took his both hands and said "Just look at your hands, bangles suit you perfectly"

Sudhakar was surprised by his mom's words and looked at his hands. To his surprise he saw his hands looking good because of bangles. 

He felt embarrassed for thinking his hands are looking good because of bangles, so he immediately asked his mom to remove them. 

Kumari was little disappointed and removed them. 

He went to him room and started to do his work. 

After some time Kumari went to his room and opened the cupboard drawer to keep the bangles. 

Sudhakar was confused by it. 

"Mom, why are you keep them in my room? ", asked Sudhakar

"Because they don't fit me and they fit you correctly "answered Kumari and left the room. 

From the next day onwards, Kumari started to wear a dozen bangles to each of her hand. It was distracting for Sudhakar. 

The sound of the bangles and the way they move in Kumari's hands were distracting. Sometimes he would just starr at the bangles. 

A week passed and Kumari made sure everyday somehow she talks about the bangles to Sudhakar.

The very next day, Kumari wore the same color bangles, she bought for Sudhakar. While working in the kitchen. 

"Yesterday I bought these color bangles again but this time they fit me", said Kumari showing him her bangles. 

"Feel these bangles ", said Kumari. Sudhakar hesitated but he touched the bangles. Kumari's goal is to make Sudhakar comfortable around women's clothing and accessories. They shouldn't be foreign to him. 

In the evening while he was working, he wanted a Pendrive. So he was searching for it. 

While opening the cupboard drawer, he noticed the bangles. He doesn't know why but he took the bangles and wore a dozen bangles to each of his hands. 

After finding the Pendrive he started to work wearing the bangles. He was embarrassed about it, so he locked the room door, so his mom wouldn't enter unannounced. 

He liked the sound and the way the bangles move in his hands. 

For the next few days whenever he was working in his room and he started to lock the door and started to work wearing the bangles. 

After few days, 

Sudhakar was working seriously and he wanted some water to drink. So he walked out of the room for water and he completely forgot about wearing the bangles. 

As he was walking into the kitchen, Kumari heard the sound of the anklets and turned around. To her surprise, Sudhakar was wearing a dozen bangles to each hand. 

Kumari smiled to herself. She realised he has been wearing bangles secretly in his room. She decided not tell Sudhakar that he currently wore bangles to the kitchen. She doesn't want to embarrass him. She wants him to feel comfortable wearing bangles. 

In the evening when Kumari was doing his hair. She was very happy. After brushing his hair, she started to middle part his hair. When Sudhakar realised it, he asked his mom not middle part his hair. 

"SUDHA, you have try different things", said Kumari trying to convince Sudhakar. 

Sudhakar was surprised when his mom called his Sudha. Till now she never called him Sudha. 

Since that day Kumari always called Sudhakar as Sudha and Sudhakar got used to it as well. 

Kumari always spoke womanly things to Sudha to make him feel comfortable around women thing's. 

So the next day, Sudhakar told his mom about him needing to buy few clothes to wear at night. Kumari also agreed since she has seen him wearing faded and unfit clothes at home. 

Kumari and Sudhakar packed his unused clothes to throw it away. 

Before going out Kumari removed Sudhakar's anklets. Sudhakar actually forget about it. 

Kumari started the car and on the way, they dumped clothes bag in dustbin. 

They went to the shopping mall. Kumari wanted to buy few things for her, while Sudhakar wants to buy few clothes for him. So spitting in the mall. 

After buying whatever they want, they met at bill counter. 

Kumari paid the bill and they went home. 

At night, Kumari went to Sudhakar's room with his clothes. 

"Here are your nighties and Punjab dress. I hope you tried them in the trial room", said Kumari and started to walk out of the room. 

" Nighties? What Punjab dress?", Asked confused Sudhakar. 

"The clothes you picked out", said Kumari. 

Sudhakar immediately opened the bag and saw 10 nighties and 8 punjabi dresses. 

"Mom, there is a mistake. I didn't buy these. I bought shorts and T-shirts. I think we bought wrong package to home", said Sudhakar. 

Listening to it, Kumari got angry. 

"Here is the bill for your clothes and we can't exchange it as well", said Kumari handing him the bill. 

Sudhakar was confused. He doesn't know how this happened. 

"Now what to do? " Asked Sudhakar

"What do you mean? What to do? You are going to wear them", said Kumari sternly. 

"What? No", said Sudhakar

"Then what else can we do with these clothes? Your clothes cost 10000 rupees. We can't waste it", said kumari angrily

"But mom", started to Sudhakar but Kumari stopped him. 

"Remove your pant and shirt", commanded Kumari. Sudhakar never seen Kumari this angry before. So without objecting he removed his pant and shirt. 

Kumari took a nighty from the bag and helped to wear it. To Sudhakar's surprise, it's a perfect it. Kumari turned him around and zipped the nighty in the back. 

Sudhakar was embarrassed to say anything. Kumari took the remaining clothes and started to arrange them in his wardrobe. 

"You are not going waste them. You will wear Punjab dress as well", said Kumari and Sudhakar was too stunned to say anything. 

After placing the clothes in his wardrobe. Kumari noticed his anklets, which were removed before going to the mall. She instructed him to keep his legs on the bed and Kumari fixed the anklets to his ankles. 

Once Kumari left the room. Sudhakar layed on the bed thinking how he missed the bags. On the other hand, Kumari is happy for executing the plan perfectly. Actually Sudhakar did bring correct bag to the bill counter, but at the time of billing, Kumari placed his bag aside and replaced it with the clothes she bought for Sudhakar. 

Next day in the morning, Kumari was working in the kitchen when she heard the sound of the anklets. She turned around and saw Sudhakar walking towards her in a nighty. 

Without saying anything, he started to work. After a while, Kumari kissed him on his forehead and apologised for last night. 

"So can i stop wearing nighties? " Asked Sudhakar calmly. 

"No, I can't allow that", said Kumari

"Mom", whined dejected Sudhakar. 

" Sudha sweetie, those are new clothes. You bought them and they costed 10000 rupees. We can't waste it. You are going use them in the home that's it. I don't want to hear any more compliments ", said Kumari sternly. 

After working for a while, Sudhakar started to go to his room to take a bath. 

"Sudha, after the bath wear a nighty or a Punjab dress", said Kumari and Sudhakar just nodded his head. 

Sudhakar took a bath and picked out a nighty from his wardrobe. He hesitated but he wore. He tried to zip the nighty in the back but he couldn't. 

When Kumari saw him walking towards her in different nighty, Kumari was relieved that Sudhakar wore it without any further arguments. 

"Mom, can you zip it? ", said Sudhakar turning around. 

Kumari smiled and zipped his nighty in the back. Sudhakar was embarrassed. 

"I know my Sudha will never disobey me ", said Kumari kissing on his forehead. 

Same thing continued for the next 2 weeks, what disappointed Kumari is Sudhakar didn't try Punjab dress till now. 

The following day is a festival, So after helping Kumari in the kitchen for a while, Sudhakar went to his room to take a bath. 

After 15 min, Kumari went to his room and just then Sudhakar was about to wear a nighty. 

"Sudha, don't wear it", said Kumari and picked the Punjab dress from his wardrobe. 

"Wear this", said Kumari handing him the Punjab dress. 

Sudhakar was whining about it and Kumari remained strict and helped him to wear Punjab dress top and pant. 

Then she took a hair brush and neatly did his hair in a ponytail. She took a bindi from the bindi packet she brought from her room, seeing it Sudhakar took few steps back. Kumari angrily pulled him back and placed the bindi between his eye brows. 

Sudhakar silently sat on the bed deciding not to anger Kumari anymore. Kumari replaced his stubs with small jhumkas and placed golden chain around his neck. 

Then she walked to his cupboard and took 8 bangles from it. She put 2 gold bangles and 4 glass bangles to his each hand. Sudhakar couldn't believe what's happening to him. He felt helpless. 

Kumari asked him hold one side of the dupatta and folded the dupatta. She made a v shape and pinned the dupatta on his shoulders completing his look. 

While Sudhakar was embarrassed, Kumari was beaming with joy. She is confident that for the diwali Sudhakar is going draw a rangoli outside their home wearing a silk saree. 

Sudhakar was sad. Kumari tried to cheer him up. 

"It's just in the home Sudha", said Kumari and walked him out of the room. 

After praying for the god. Kumari took a rose flower and pinned it in his hair. Sudhakar didn't complain. He felt a rose is not going to make much difference now. 

Throughout the day, Kumari was very happy and Sudhakar saw the enthusiasm in her. He liked the way she treated him and pampered him. 

From the next day onwards he again started to wear nighties. 

After 2 weeks, Kumari fell sick. She couldn't do any household chores. Sudhakar took the responsibility and took care of everything. For 3 days, Kumari was very dull because of the sickness. 

The very next day, after the bath he opened the wardrobe to pick out a nighty, just then he noticed a chudidhar. He remember how happy Kumari was when he wore Punjab dress. So decided to wear a chudidhar to see if he can make his mom smile again. 

After wearing chudidhar top and pant. He opened the cupboard where his mom kept the bindi packet, jhumkas and a chain. After wearing them, he neatly brushed out his hair. 

He tried to wear the dupatta but he couldn't do it perfectly, so he decided to ask his mom for some help. 

He walked up to her room and he took a deep breath before entering the room. When Kumari saw him, she was surprised. She smiled brightly. Sudhakar noticed it and felt happy about it. 

"Mom, can you help me with this? "Asked sudhakar handing her the dupatta. 

"Of course, sweetie", responded Kumari and helped Sudhakar fold it. 

Sudhakar gave her a safety pin and Kumari pinned the dupatta on his left shoulder. 

"Turned sweetie", said Kumari. Once Sudhakar did, Kumari tied the strings at the back. 

Sudhakar was feeling very shy. 

Kumari was very happy. She hugged him tightly and kissed him on his forehead. 

"You take rest mom, while go and bring you the breakfast", said Sudhakar and walked into the kitchen with a smile. 

After the breakfast, Kumari spoke with Sudhakar for sometime and started to do her hair. 

"Sudha, can you bring a rose from our garden? ", said Kumari. 

Sudhakar immediately went to their garden and came back with a rose. 

Sudhakar thought the rose is for his mom. 

"Turn around and sit here sweetie", said Kumari. Once Sudhakar sat on the bed, Kumari pinned the flower in his hair. 

"You take rest mom, after doing few chores in the kitchen and i will do my office work", said Sudhakar to Kumari before leaving the room. 

Kumari pulled him closer to her and kissed him on his forehead saying"My beautiful daughter". Sudhakar was surprised and blushed listening to it. 

For the next few days, Sudhakar continued to wear Punjab dress or a chudidhar. 

After few days, Kumari became normal and she was so proud of Sudhakar for the way he handled everything. 

Even without Kumari's insistence Sudhakar started to wear Punjab dress atleast once in a week and he continued to wear bangles and earrings 24/7. 

He doesn't know why but it felt good for Sudhakar to wear earrings and bangles. He liked when kumari praised him. Kumari took this opportunity and made Sudhakar to wear all kinds of earrings and bangles. 

As time passed, 

Now Diwali is around the corner, 

10 days before the diwali, at night after having dinner. Both Sudhakar and Kumari were discussing few things. Suddenly

"Sudha, I am thinking of buying you a saree for this diwali. Will you wear it? ", asked Kumari with excitement. 

"I don't know how to handle it", complained Sudhakar. 

"Don't worry about it ", said Kumari and Sudhakar nodded his head. 

The very next day, they went for shopping. 

Sudhakar sat beside Kumari nervously in the chudidhar. When the sales girl is showing the saree, Kumari would place it on his shoulder and check it. Sudhakar was little hesitant to give his opinion, so Kumari selected 5 sarees for him.

On the way they went to a trailor to stitch the blouses with Sudhakar's measurements. 

After giving his measurements they continued shopping for the accessories. Kumari selected different colors of bangles, bindi packets for Sudhakar. 

Finally the day came, 

Once sudhakar taken his bath, Kumari started her magic. She helped him wear the silk blouse and the petticoat. Then she took the saree and started to drape it. Kumari couldn't contain her happiness. She took some time but she neatly draped the silk saree. Then he sat before the dressing table as Kumari started to work on his hair. To his shoulder length hair, Kumari added hair extensions and started to do his hair. Sudhakar started to feel the weight in his hair. He wanted to know length of his hair now. Kumari understood his curiosity and smiled to herself. 

So once she neatly braided his hair, she placed the braid on his shoulder for sudhakar to see. It surprised Sudhakar, he is confident that his braid would touch his butt. 

Then after doing make up, Kumari took the jewelry. She went all out with it, 3 necklaces around his neck, maang tikka on his middle parted hair. Big jhumkas with chains attached to his hair, a mix of gold and glass bangles to his hands, a waist gold chain around his waist and a pair of anklets to his legs. 

Sudhakar started to feel heavy but Kumari is not done yet. She took lot of flowers and pinned them in his hair to complete his look. 

Sudhakar got up from the dressing table and he was feeling very shy and Kumari was very proud of her work. 

Once he has calmed down, 

"Sudha, can you help me with the rangoli? ", asked Kumari and Sudhakar nodded his head. 

It's still early in the morning, with small steps Sudhakar started to walk outside. With his each step his long braid started to hit his butt. Kumari understood it's difficult to handle the saree at first, so she was beside Sudhakar to help him. 

With Kumari's instructions, Sudhakar started to draw the rangoli. They were almost done and just need to put some colors. 

Just then Jaya walked outside, Kumari immediately went to her. 

She hugged Jaya and thanked her for the suggestions. 

Jaya looked at Sudhakar. 

"You have grown a beautiful daughter", said Jaya with a smile. 

"Thank you", said Kumari with pride looking at Sudhakar. 


  1. long time waiting darling please posts regular and complete old stories sis

  2. Why not add some lingerie to the storyline too?

  3. Please try to post regularly

    1. Yes.., u r fans are eagerly waiting

  4. Super story 😘😘🤩🤩😍😍🎉

  5. Beautiful story please write more stories
    also please ready my stories and support

  6. Awesome. Feel good story with exact picture too... Really waited like a hell to read the stories from you Darling. Please post the stories regularly. With lots of love. Your Fan 🤍

  7. Excellent story Anjali with beautiful photos ❤️😍. Hope you will upload another Banger today. Please upload more stories soon. ( Family tradition or any new )

  8. Please continue writing you are great at this.
    Can you write a story about a boy who school/parents have given wrong information and now boy have to live the whole life ad a girl and forcing him for all activities and dress

  9. Beautiful story dear. Thank you.

  10. Superb story
    Awesome feel good
    Need join Festival celebration with jaya and her son (daughter) and kumari and her son(daughter)
    If they become friends it's amazing ❤️❤️✨️✨️

  11. Add few more stories plz

  12. Plz dm me on my insta id :- _niraj_gupta_26


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