A month passed, krishna get used to sarees, which he feared, he thought he is turning into a girl. On the other hand, Radha was enjoying it. Now she is making krishna to wear a braid everyday. Wearing flowers on it everyday. She even taught krishna, how to make garlands. Radha plucks the flowers from the plant and gives them to krishna. Then he make garlands to wear. One day, he heard a rumour from his friend that the company has decided to continue work from home forever. Krishna was shocked. He can't bear the thought of wearing sarees forever. He decided to bet one last time and Radha also agreed. But it's a rock, paper, scissors. If win, I will stop wearing clothes, accessories, said krishna If I win, you can stop wearing woman clothes and accessories, if it's permanent work from home. If its work from office, you have wear woman clothes and accessories on the weekends forever, said Radha Krishna felt very happy. He thought,...